Hey Joe tell your buddy Donald Trump to release the list. A reporter asked him if he would release the Epstein list and he said he would then immediately said he wouldn't because it might hurt people's reputation. He really realized that his name is all over that list.
EXACTLY what i said yrs ago. You think Top elites will be like you got us. Heck no, they gonna knock out Anericas Grid & blame china. If America wakes up. Choas. So chill out be happy bc u dont want nothing and to be happy 2030
Dude, it's a business. Epstein offered beautiful young women to his clients. What the clients didn't know is that they would be videotaped for extortion purposes. It's obvious no?
No thats ignoring several things 1 people like to party and notable people value privacy Diddy dooesnt have to threaten people they will agree in ordervto be invited I think the purpose of the island Is TAX EVASION
I feel like blackmailing Stephen Hawking is a bad idea, bro is in a wheel chair, but still, he’s smart asf. He probably is 100 moves ahead of the blackmail plan.
The list is his private jet log of passe gers. I think ive seen it an d a lot of big names were on it. Not trump though…… Itll get out. Someone will talk. Then the faucet is opened.
There are no ufos 🛸. It’s all ours or other countries advanced aircraft people 🙄 we had crazy stuff 50 years ago . Today’s drones and mini aircraft can do all those extreme movements people are reporting. To include things that can go in and out of the water !
Joeys over there steven hawkins out
Dershowitz said he took his whole family to Epstein Island
hypothesis **
America is run by criminals who were on Epstiene’s list
Gislaine Maxwell introduced Melania Trump to Donald Trump at an Epstein party before they got married.
Hey Joe tell your buddy Donald Trump to release the list. A reporter asked him if he would release the Epstein list and he said he would then immediately said he wouldn't because it might hurt people's reputation. He really realized that his name is all over that list.
Can’t wait till it comes out
So they tricked them with underaged girls who looked older
What episode is this ?
“Since Jesus left Chicago” was wild 😭😭😂
Eddie.. where's Miami bro? 😆😆
Seriously Eddie Bravo would argue after he died all the way to saint Peter's Gates and argue about being accepted into heaven… 😂
EXACTLY what i said yrs ago. You think Top elites will be like you got us. Heck no, they gonna knock out Anericas Grid & blame china. If America wakes up. Choas. So chill out be happy bc u dont want nothing and to be happy 2030
What episode is this?
Hey what episode is this I've been looking everywhere for it
Jimmel kimmel
I think Eddie Bravo is correct .
Dude, it's a business. Epstein offered beautiful young women to his clients.
What the clients didn't know is that they would be videotaped for extortion purposes.
It's obvious no?
Can i ask you sometjong 😊
The time keep passing and the list is not released, the pedophiles are still free and "justice" didn't even call anybody on this subject…
Eddie Bravo is my favorite scientist
Joe an his hawkings theory just aint true! Tutt tutt joe
No thats ignoring several things
1 people like to party and notable people value privacy
Diddy dooesnt have to threaten people they will agree in ordervto be invited
I think the purpose of the island Is TAX EVASION
I feel like blackmailing Stephen Hawking is a bad idea, bro is in a wheel chair, but still, he’s smart asf. He probably is 100 moves ahead of the blackmail plan.
Whats episode is this
"I think I would have went." is literally the moral of the story which is probably why it was so hard to report on fully.
Epstein was MOSSAD asset everything else is background noise
No it shouldn’t be free …..are taxes should be covering it🤦🤡🤦
Eddie Bravo is a real idiot. Wow. Quite funny to see JR tired of his stupidity trying to ignore him but he is too loud and pushy.
The list is his private jet log of passe gers. I think ive seen it an d a lot of big names were on it. Not trump though…… Itll get out. Someone will talk. Then the faucet is opened.
There are no ufos 🛸. It’s all ours or other countries advanced aircraft people 🙄 we had crazy stuff 50 years ago . Today’s drones and mini aircraft can do all those extreme movements people are reporting. To include things that can go in and out of the water !
It’s called a Cult.
2:23 Joey Diaz mocking Stephen Hawking at a strip club getting a lap dance is crazy work 😂
I’m sure he’s a great dude but Eddie’s habit of having to talk over everyone and get the last word is annoying asf🤣
The goat Eddie