Earth vs. Flying Saucers (1956) | Full Movie – NewsUSA Movies & TV
Experience the thrilling spectacle of “Earth vs. Flying Saucers,” a landmark in 1950s science fiction cinema! Directed by Fred F.
Experience the thrilling spectacle of “Earth vs. Flying Saucers,” a landmark in 1950s science fiction cinema! Directed by Fred F.
Great movie, thanks for sharing. Brings back lots of childhood memories. At 1:10:19, Clint Eastwoods brother?
This is fking silly!!
You were right, if you look down, the second time was good too.
How about Godzilla teaches Rachel Wray to flame broil Tokyo Style?
I have never seen this colorized version. Not very realistic color. Filmed in 1955 as the second of three low-budger Sci-Fi B-movies in black & white released by Columbia Pictures' B-movie unit; produced by Charles H. Schneer for Executive Producer Sam Katzman, directed by Katzman's buddy Fred F. Sears. Special Visual Effects by Ray Harryhausen. The first picture that Schneer and Harryhusen made at Columbia Pictures' Gower Gulch Studio was IT CAME FROM BENEATH THE SEA (1955), about the giant octopus that menaces San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. The third movie under their contract with Katzman was 20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH (1957) about the giant Ymir dinosaur creature from Venus that terrorizes the Italian countryside and Rome.
Donald Curtis, who played one of the generals, was also in the Ten Commandments, and later in life became a "new age" type minister in Dallas, Texas.
9:58 Look at the guy in the lower left of your screen with the camera tri-pod.
How'd you like to have that job being so close to a rocket taking off.
What could go wrong?
It's always the same type of cast back in those days. The attractive younger woman surrounded by middle-aged men. Absolutely delusional.
I am proud to say that when I was 10 years old, I started watching these science fiction movies at the theater. Back then, a movie might not return to the theater ever again. It wasn't until around 1980 that movies appeared more frequently on TV, especially around holidays.
Some of the science fiction movies at that time imitated the current trends of the UFO genre.
I wondered if the producers knew about the Roswell incident or the invasion of DC in the early 1950s.
Just a thought.
It made me go bigjob!
It is a very similar plot to "The Day the Earrh Stood Still," which was a far Superior Film !
…Newk from Kentucky
As a kid, every time it came on the TV I would watch it. Of course it was black and white. The flying saucers were the work of stop motion animator Ray Harryhausen. He was also responsible for such movies as Jason and the Argonauts and first men in the Moon.
this movie isnt as far fetched as u may think
That generator from Schenectady seemed to work…
(Too bad they couldn't have zapped Jack and nipped a lot of earth's current problems in the bud)
I don’t wish to read any spoilers but is their car a Mercury Monterey?
Love the F-84 jet at the beginning with the piston engine sound.🤔😄 Also at 9:38 did the female lead refer to her onscreen father as "darling"? Eeww!
Although these movies seem, by today's standards, rather crude and pointless, they were, in fact, very focused:
Being unable to prevent these unknown entities from going wherever they wanted to go, and doing whatever they wanted to do, the one thing our Pentagon and Intel Services COULD do was to make us FEAR 'them' – and THAT was the purpose of these movies – always with the emphasis of our 'winning' against an 'enemy' that was likely thousands of years ahead of us.
Our government already knew MUCH more about them than they were willing to admit to.
"The Day the Earth Stood Still" was an anomaly, far ahead of its time in terms of message: we must learn to co-exist with what we don't necessarily understand, and be better stewards of our environment. After it, though, the focus shifted to complete denial, self-censorship, and fear.
What a strange relationship we have had with the truth, and continue to have. How long can this continue?
These were no joke: they were the setup for a war that we couldn't possibly win – but oh, the MONEY we would be willing to let them spend…
You can clearly see the setup for "Project Blue Beam" being prepared, here. You can laugh, or listen.
Look at the games we have been playing, and real-world progress we have made since then, and ask yourself if the repetition inherent in these plots was 'accidental', or not.
The 50's and the 70's. Dual Gold Medalist decades for Science Fiction.
That flying saucer sounded just like a Kia EV. They're definitely here.
6:52 Beautiful car!
Cringe ' ' " "
We're on a tight schedule, General. We don't have the time to stop and figure out why the other ten rockets failed. lol
Joan Taylor is/ was my wife's aunt. She passed away a few years ago. She married Leonard Freeman (Producer of Hawaii 5- 0), and she stopped acting to raise their children.
Sadly, I never got the chance to meet her.
Funny to see another of her movies.
Americans always have a tendency to shoot first.
Their car looks like a 1955 or 56 Mercury Montclair
One of my all time favorite movies 😊
Oh yes, let's evaluate what we think we saw – a flying saucer – while we huff on cancer sticks and stare out at the open desert. Well, well, the saucer noise is on the tape, never mind that the tape may have been faked, a hoax. Was that done in those days? Married that day and having barbeque with daddy that night. Is daddy going to stay the night with the newlyweds on their first night as married? That ought to be interesting. And of course, the first thing the military does is kill the spaceman and fire on the spaceship. That mindset hasn't changed.
Tra i vari dettagli degli anni '50 si puo' capire l'evoluzione delle scarpe da donna con tacco alto, erano enormi, forse 2 Kg. ognuna, oggi sono parecchio piu' sottili e vogliono dare l'impressione che le donne hanno un piedino sottile e grazioso, non un piede da elefante……….Comunque un film violento che mostra gli extraterrestri cattivi e che fanno la Bua agli umani, mentre in verita' noi siamo pacifici, ci piace svolazzare di qua e poi di la, adesso poi molti di noi si sono trasferiti in Piemonte (Italy) dove e' stao scoperto il Baroloooo! Una meraviglia! 😀
It looks like the humans created more destruction in Washington than the aliens.
Blue sky’s with no chem trails.