DUI on today’s commute gets Instant Karma

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Lowry tunnel crashes:

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Minnesota crashes on camera: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNEFoqOYTtcWiOGftuyv5zMzJMhvaYZ5Y

30 second crash videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNEFoqOYTtcUMIqXd45bKabS8kw7wxcQV

*** Note: This information is posted for informational and educational purposes only. These videos may be used to encourage traffic safety, improve awareness of emergency vehicle operation and promote transparency in government. ***


39 thoughts on “DUI on today’s commute gets Instant Karma

  1. MN like CA, OR, etc are lawless/godless; this behavior is seen more/more all across America today. People whine/complain about government corruption that's rampant at all levels as well, but it's well deserved. This it what happens to a ppl/nation that purposefully bans God from all the places He was once honored in favor of their sin: America's fall and cure explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwDoH7VzNxAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3shq4L0EwU&t=1s

  2. As a person who has a really bad and tragic alcoholic brother and is disgusted by the lack of real punishment for this crime I am happy everyone is ok. My brother has 7 DUIs 3 resulting in totaled car wrecks and still has a license. Its pure negligence on the part of states to keep letting these offenders drive. I say this, 1st offense 5 years automatic suspension, 2nd offense lifetime suspension and after that years in prison. Innocent lives are lost every year because of this. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  3. DUI is a BAD assumption; distracted driving with cellular phones is currently a more likely cause during the day of driving out of lane. Also, driving while baked on marijuana is currently overtaking alcohol in impaired driving during daylight times. Tailgating and aggressive lateral maneuvers are also more deadly occurences during daylight hours on congested highways. Many of the statistics gathered by authorities have not caught up to these realities as DUI alcohol statistics. There is simply more money to be gained with speeding and DUI violations in today's American law enforcement; most other violations are relatively unchecked in traffic courts. For example, tailgating is virtually not a problem if one only looks at enforcement measures in court rather that actual freguent actions on the road.

  4. My friend's neighbor lives 2 blocks from a liquor store, but chose to drive his brand new 85k truck to get some booze. He crashed somehow (doesn't remember) and he will be out of pocket 20k for the repairs because his insurance is void by the DUI and he's also facing about 10k in fines and a criminal record (Canadian law).
    Should have just walked…

  5. Wow, the number of absolute idiots on the road is astounding.
    NO ONE directly behind that truck turned on their hazards.
    NO ONE backed off – even when it was glaringly obvious the truck was going into the cable barrier, caring not a whit that it might come bounding back out while they decided to drive past.

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