Volca Burn
Donald Trump at Bronx rally: ‘If a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can!’
Former President Trump declares that if he wins New York, he wins ‘everything’ in November at his Bronx campaign event.
Donald Trump at Bronx rally: 'If a New Yorker can't save this country, no one can!'
Trump (and hundreds of his white followers from out of state) hold a rally in NYC.
Trump is the USA's only hope of not being run over by the CHINESE and RUSSIANS and THEMSELVES.
Trump, add convicted felon to his long list of wrongs. Liar, con man, racist, leader of men and women who are delusional and corrupt as he is. A piece of human waste.
Just to be clear, Donald Trump should be thankful that New York is a left leaning state. Starting with the Reagan administration and continuing with the Bush and Clinton administrations, the United States got very tough on crime and many states instituted "3 strikes" mandatory sentencing policies. Those policies were typically mandatory sentencing that 3 felony convictions means life in prison.
In other words, if New York weren't a left leaning state and if they had a "3 strikes" mandatory sentencing policy then Donald Trump would be in prison…for life…and wouldn't be going home today…or ever.
Republicans all the way.
Lock crooked Donnie up!
So much winning!
USA is the best country in the world. He needed only one of the six jurors selected by his lawyers and who probably voted for him to find him innocent but they all found him guilty! This is JUSTICE! HOPE THEY SEND HIM TO DO Community SERVICE
NYC is safer than Miami and Dallas
Jail him!
So Trump's lawyers chose six of the jurors and at least few have voted for him but all 12 found him guilty , so he is! jail him !
Trump the Rapist for Prison 2024 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏼🙏🏻 MAGA !!!!!!!!! TRUMP !!!!!!!!! For life !!!
0:18 Slurring speech right from the get go!!! O boy, that's never good.
Is this the Fox News clip where they said there were 25,000 people, when there were really 3,000 and a bunch of them were Bronx protesters???
If you gonna lie, at least lie about something that no one can prove otherwise!!
TRUMP 2024 🦅🇺🇸
Don't bend down to pickup the soap trumpty dumpty!