Volca Burn
Domo Wilson Admitted She Paid for EVERYTHING while dating Lou Valentino
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My man pays for everything
Leave them broke boys alone
Life is more fun when you dont have to worry about a broke man.
All these negative comments about who pays for what and such like has anyone taken into consideration at what age they both were and at that time the brother may have just lost his job or may not even be working you all talking like you people have not been in similar situation just because he doing his best to help the neighbourhood he is now put out to dry
You know what would solve this problem very easily is of course have the conversation up front second why choose a restaurant that you can't afford why can't you go to a park sit on a bench talk to each other get to know each other go meet at a coffee shop why does it always have to be a dinner restaurant get creative on these new dates get to know the person first it's just crazy what I see happening in the conversations it's real simple be who you are looking for
What a bunch of gold diggers lol
That broke man might be a rich man someday so if you have it and he doesn't ,,,,you might be screwing up.
OMG!! Who cares. If you were foolish enough to pay, that is your fault!
He should not ask anyone out on a date if he is not prepared to pay. A man that is interested in you shows you by his willingness to take care of and provide for you. If he doesn't respect you now, believe what he is showing you. You will never be able to look back and say you didn't know. He's taking advantage of you. Run for the exit.
The man should pay but not all the time
She asked herself them questions
He’s definitely a sis, sir go find you a man and leave these ladies alone if you don’t want to protect and provide
I reckon if the guy asks out the girl he should pay out of courtesy , if they get serious then they should start splitting bill
Lue and domo would have never worked because domos motives are different then his
The poll is tripping why should a man pay for a date he didn’t invite you on? You invited him. How do you know he has enough money to be going out on dates and eating out.
My man pays for everything💵💰💸💷👌💵 I don't gotta ask or think that alone cum with ANYTHING 💯💯
Domo JusT RICHHH 💯💯
He only used Domo, and if she’s going to date men then she needs to do let them be men .
I knew he wasn't right for her, he young and immature. I always thought Lawrence was a better fit because he older, wiser and mature to handle Domo
Lou is a broke joke and I knew that when he went along with that whole fake story line
I'ma say that a man is suppose to pay the meal is a man wants a woman to pay half way does that say of him that he don't have it and that's his not man enough simple as that and good not a true gentleman only a real gentleman who know what he had to do
Domos always involved in drama after a breakup. Lord.
NO. There should be no damn 50/50. If a man doesn’t have enough money to take a woman to a restaurant, HE DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO DATE. Do you know that most of these white feminists who push that b.s. have husbands who make more money than they do? Do you know that they call a lot of these faux feminist 50/50 arguments a “rhetorical strategy”? This means it’s something they say not something they actually live by? Do you know that after they get married and start having children MOST of them never come back to work? Black women have got to stop this garbage letting these broke men come up off of you and then once they get it together LEAVING YOUR ASS for for a girl they KNEW they couldn’t step to without money in their pockets. Do you want to be the girl that broke, bottom-feeding men use up and leave or do you want to be the girl that only men who have their shit together would approach (and that broke men know better than to approach.) Men know how it is, don’t allow them to manipulate you into having no standards. 🙄
Everybody warned Domo about clout chaser Lou. Everybody warned Domo about Crissy. Why doesn’t Domo listen? How many years of her life does she want waste effing around with people who are inappropriate for her? I’m telling you she needs to do what Eve did, find a rich foreign man and marry him so if she wants to take a break and depend on a man, she can.
He gay
Dang I guess I'm old school… if y'all courting then man should pay but I'm traditional that way for myself personally. I'm not against going Dutch if we're still in the friends phase though. Also once we've been together a while and we're established I see nothing wrong with taking turns paying. I pay for a date you pay for a date and we keep it going like that.
I don’t like him. Something about him is just off.
I have no idea why domo went out with this guy, she’s better than him.. he more like a chihuahua, domo more like a pit bull lmfao ♥️
Wooow lou you trash
If I was a guy I would be embarrassed to go on a date and not pay,, now if she was already by a girl then sometimes I pay, and sometimes her
Its common courtesy for a man to pay for the dinner thats if THE women is comfortable with it. Some men want something in return if the man pay for it.why go out if your not a gentleman man.
It should always be 50/50 unless y’all make a mutual agreement for otherwise. I ain’t your mama and you ain’t my dad. We’re not responsible for feeding each other. Periodtttt. Like your not a 5 y old.
I’m used to people saying “my treat” so if I invite someone out I’ll say “let’s go to lunch, my treat” it’s the courteous thing to do. Regardless of it being a man vs women or who asked who out. You always offer to pay for your own shit or the other. If someone tells me it’s their treat I’m still going to offer to pay 50/50 like “no no no don’t pay for me I got it. I appreciate it tho! you can get the next one” for the second invite.
He a lame I stay away from them type #JustStingy
He broke broke lmao
If you ask a woman out on a date then yes the man should pay. Don't ask a woman out thinking she will pay because that's sum bullshit ass move. But if a woman is willing to treat you out for dinner then that's on her dime. But if yall wanna go out and want to pay for your own meal. Then ok. But be a man and treat her. Don't be a bitch.
She needs to take a moment and HEAL! She is obviously damaged from dating Christie & the lack of affection Christie showed her you can tel that when he showed her a little attention she fell hard.! It was too early to say you love him! You’re in the process of relearning yourself & falling in love with you again. Don’t drag anyone else into that. Sis was so blinded & his ex flame tried to warn you. Be cool sis. Your time is coming. Until then heal & self reflect.
CTG says whoever has more money should pay
This 50/50 shit screwing up our generation