Do This Warm Up Before Your Workouts | Quick Warm Up Routine

It’s the new 2020 Summer Shred! Here’s a brand new warm up routine that you can use before ANY of your workouts in any …


50 thoughts on “Do This Warm Up Before Your Workouts | Quick Warm Up Routine

  1. To anyone that’s working out secretly in their room:
    I feel you. I was like that too as I was embarrassed to exercise in front of my family as I was afraid of them judging me, but when they finally discovered what I was doing, they didn’t judge me at all, in fact they encouraged me, my dad especially, he told me how proud he was of me. Now I do Chloe’s workouts in the living room in front of everyone and I don’t even care, they’re not even watching me, they have better things to do! It’s much less stressful if you don’t try to hide, and there’s so much more space so I can actually complete the exercises properly.
    So basically the point is, don’t be scared or ashamed to exercise in front of your family, they shouldn’t judge you for trying to better yourself!! <3

  2. … третий день я уже не вывожу…
    Я сделала только это а уже устала, как будто сделала половину программы на день…

  3. Here to update my overall progress in the 28 day challenge (I’m on day 3 now but I will write about the before ones)
    Starting weight = 87kg
    Day1 ✅ – honestly regretting starting this but I will keep on pushing. The cardio video is the bane of my existence.
    Day2 ✅ – the hardest day ever, I’m so sore.
    Day3 ✅ – it’s getting easier! I genuinely feel like I can do this now.
    Day4 ✅ – the easiest day so far, I can do every workout in the warmup now right to the buzzer! The abs video was still difficult but I got through it and did the workouts fully 💪
    Day5 ✅ – the cardio is still my sworn enemy but I’m doing so much better.
    Day6 ✅ – struggled a bit with the cardio as it was a new video but overall I did good!
    Day7 ✅ – rest day (weight = 85.2kg, -1.8kg)
    Day8 ❌ – couldn’t do it 😢
    Day9 ✅ – 5 videos today (including warmup and stretch), I died.

  4. Day 1 just completed
    warm up,this itself feels like exercise 😂,try my best to complete today's workout
    Day 2 after completing day 1 exercises my body parts are paining like hell , thought to give up ,but all my yesterday hardwork will be waste ,so motivated myself to continue today , compares to yesterday today's warmup is easy for me

  5. Bence ısınmada en çok kolların çalışması gerekiyor çünkü kollar aşırı fazla acıyor egzersiz yapınca genel kollardan gidilmesi gerekir

  6. I tried to do this shred challenge couple of times now but couldn't get through this first warm up video (i had to take about like 10 breaks that roughly last 20 mins then got light headed around the end so couldn't even start the next videos) came back again after building by endurance and tolerance by doing beginner pilates (within only 5 days btw) now this is a breeze, didn't need a single break and finally i can do rest of the workout 😊

    Height: 166cm
    Weight: 61kg
    Goal: 55kg

    Day 1: ☑️

  7. Has anyone experienced sore inner thight while warming up and getting that inner thight stretched with this warm up video?
    Bearable pain but dont want to force on it and don t wanna stop my shred challend and motivation though 😢
    Advise please

  8. Started yesterday but want see if I can get to day 30:
    Day 1: ✅️
    Day 2: ✅️
    Day 3: ✅️
    Day 4: ✅️
    Day 5: ✅️
    Day 6: ✅️
    Day 7:
    Day 8:
    Day 9:
    Day 10:
    Day 11:
    Day 12:
    Day 13:
    Day 14:
    Day 15:
    Day 16
    Day 17
    Day 18
    Day 19
    Day 20
    Day 21
    Day 22
    Day 23
    Day 24
    Day 25
    Day 26
    Day 27
    Day 28
    Day 29
    Day 30

  9. Okay, there i go!
    Day 1- i ran out of breat after the "warm up" I never realized i was that fat and now i have 2 more videos to go😭😭😭
    Day 2-

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