Do Isometrics Build Muscle? (YES IF…)

Build ripped, athletic muscle using more than just isometrics Isometric …


26 thoughts on “Do Isometrics Build Muscle? (YES IF…)

  1. It does work. The problem is that the industry couldn't sell lots of equipment with it. Isotonics does sell equipment.
    Isometrics builds muscle, strength and endurance through neurological adaptation.

  2. It's hard to understand what to believe with so many different theories.

    My understanding (which is only that, I'm open to learning), isometrics help to strengthen your tendons?

    If that is correct, strengthening your tendons help to reduce risk of injury, and potentially increase the weight you can lift?

    If those are true, then would it be a good idea to train both isometrically and dynamically in intervals?

  3. I'm 81 1 year after a surgery I was supposed to die, I would have died without. When I do barbells I get pain the shoulders so I'm trying Isometrics in order to keep going instead of laying off for a weak till the pain and sore muscles stops.Part of it is Yoga poses that also help with staying flexable.

  4. I thought from what I read and saw previously, that you have to hold the yielding isometric for 30/60 seconds, and the overcoming isometric for 5/8 seconds.
    I’m confused now 🫤

  5. it makes sense that isometrics would build great strength in the position that you are doing the hold in, but what about the fact that you are not working full range of motion, does it mean that you would not have the same strength that you built in that straight arm position when you got the arm to 90 degrees? or if you build the muscle and strength in that straight arm position would it automatically be there wherever the arm was in it's range of motion. if the former, then would you recommend doing those isometric contractions holds at various angles through the range of motion of whatever joint/body part you were working?

  6. isometric handstands against a wall 40 secs 5 times a day

    you will notice bigger traps shoulders and triceps within 2 months

    i did these because my shoulders were torn and they worked better then ohp & military press

  7. Isn't 30 40 50 seconds isometric exercise too much to hold? This can lead to cardiovascular problems.
    At university, my cardio teacher said that the muscles can hold that contraction for more than 12 seconds, but the heart, in time, can't. Isn't dangerous?
    I study Physical Therapy at Med School and I really wanna know your opinion

  8. All these new guys on YouTube acting like isometrics are some new thing lol

    Jeff has been ahead forever.

    Good training it all. Powerlifting bodybuilding, endurance, iso


    All of it

  9. Check out the huge biceps of gymnasts! Huge biceps despite no isolation exercises. Just chin ups and isometric holds for the events they do.

    Research has shown that isometric holds with the muscle lengthened are the most effective.

  10. This is how you build tendons and ligaments. Be sure to rest for a few days to give the connective tissues a chance to slowly recover, it takes longer than muscles, since the blood flow works differently. If you do rehab work, very light weight high reps, throughout the day, you can get the blood moving quicker. Movement gets the fluids moving through the structures, otherwise the blood doesn't really move. I'd save it for the last day, then take the weekend off and the tendons should probably be good by Monday.

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