Disturbing Haunting of a Witches’ Prison | The True Story of The Cage

The Cage in St Osyth is often referred to as the most haunted house in England. The former site of a prison used to keep witches …

39 thoughts on “Disturbing Haunting of a Witches’ Prison | The True Story of The Cage

  1. I generally like to alternate between stories people have asked me to cover and ones I just want to do myself. So, since it's been a while – What cases would you like to see me cover in the coming months? Throw me suggestions and like other peoples suggestions if you want to increase the chance of me picking that one.

    Thank you all for watching! Hope you enjoy this one.

  2. Another Great Tale, lifting the veil between the unknown and our reality, for but a brief moment. It shows just how much thing's and times have changed. Nowadays Coffin Alley is an Undertakers just down the road between the 4 Turkish Barbers, 3 Pizza and Kebab shops, Age Concern and Cash Converters.🤔 Thank you Peter.

  3. Comment for algo. I believe her, it makes absolutely no sense a single mother would make herself homeless. Add to that independent corroboration I'm not sure why someone would think its bunk. The beacon idea is interesting, it would go some way to explaining the spectrum of events. I had a weird experience at Yester castle in Midlothian, maybe a topic for a future video! As always, great work!

  4. It's what they are calling Demon face syndrome and apparently only a few people can see it but the Vatican is saying people are going to be seeing this more often? Plus Harvard are talking about Reptilians among us after laughing about it for years, do your research because the world has changed and important institutions are saying what we thought were aliens are in fact demons and a lot of folks think CERN is bringing them through! I would have laughed a while back but 2024 has been a scary year. Don't believe me, check with Fox news and CNN, strange things lie in wait for us all in the coming years or even months. Scary stuff!!!

  5. Great video- as always 😉 I watched a video of this story somewhere else a while back (can't recall just where) but I definitely like your telling of it better.

  6. I guess because I’ve been watching alotta Beyond Creepy, What Lurks Beneath and Mr.Ballen, that I got this video recommended to me and man I’m so glad that it did because this channel is now in my top go to paranormal stories channel. I was listening to this while at work last and genuinely got creeped out, especially the part about numerous people asking Vannessa why she had a mannequin in her bedroom window and the one lady that works around dying and dead people saying that it looked like a corpse in her window. To me that’s the most scariest aspect of this case to me, of course shadow people and being physically assaulted by the spirits is scary but something about the image of an old woman that looks like a corpse staring out the window that’s specifically being seen by passerbys but not the homeowner themselves is just unsettling to me because why is it seen from outside the house but never seen by people inside the house (reminds me of that demon house that ghost hunter bought in the US, I forgot the location but there’s a picture of it on Google where you can see a figure standing in the window) stuff like that creeps me tf out. Keep up the great content, I’m gonna binge watch the rest of your videos tonight while I’m at work again

  7. 1:21 very well that may not be a hoax, just low light shadows making a weird face.

    Much like the face on Mars, that is a hill (mountain?) That most of the time looks like a red rock but at the right time of day at the right angle looks like half a human face.

  8. I have recently watched an account by Vanessa, via an american outfit of paranormal investigators and have been utterly convinced by her experiences within this place. like Heol Fanog she was drawn to it .

  9. Wow it’s almost like the cage is a gateway for spirits to pass through and torture the living. I’m glad Vanessa was able to sell it. I couldn’t live there, too scared. 😱

  10. Which witch was she? The wicked witch which bewitched the witch hazel bush. I'm a thoroughly modern witch. Instead of buzzing around on a broomstick, I roar around on a modern battery powered, fire engine red electric vacuum cleaner.

  11. Я, как обладательница подобной недвижимости, понимаю что происходило в том доме. Сама сталкивалась с подобными явлениями: сущности, полтергейст, низшие инферны, суккубом, демоном и бесом.
    Такие места идеальны для призыва сущностей, в том числе и демонического характера. Короче, для практиков отличное место для работы. Помним о безопасности!

  12. I absolutely believe this story because I too resided in a home where a man took his own💯 I am absolutely convinced there is a spiritual realm(aka-hauntings) that exists in certain places. I used to have guys at work not believe me, so I would invite them to spend the night, and not one took me up on it😂🤷🏼‍♂️ Many friends have their own experiences from that house

  13. Definitely seems like there's SOMETHING happening there. What it is, Idk. But… Something. I can't see a Mom fleeing a home wan infant wno other place to go. Nor can I see a skeptic wanting the place only to put it on the market pretty quickly & WELL win the range given for how long ppl can tough it out! So.. definitely seems to suggest something is happening there.

  14. I watched an interview with the woman who owns the house a few years ago and that's when I 1st got intrigued about this story and this is the most informative post I've seen about it more so than that of the woman who owns it 💯💯😉

  15. The only thing I Don't like about this channel is that I've already seen every post 😂😂😂this is by far 1 of the best paranormal channels 💯💯💯😉

  16. I remember this
    As I think the actual woman ran out of the house leaving everything and when they went back, everything was scattered all over the house. I can remember reading about this.
    And yes, the woman did rented out to paranormal investigators, which I thought was an absolute spectacular idea 👍

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