“Difficult Time To Be A Woman” | Dylan Mulvaney v Piers Morgan x Riley Gaines x Brandon Tatum

Piers Morgan says Dylan Mulvaney’s rise to fame as a transgender icon has been met with both praise and criticism but recent …


31 thoughts on ““Difficult Time To Be A Woman” | Dylan Mulvaney v Piers Morgan x Riley Gaines x Brandon Tatum

  1. Fuck piers, this is like listening to 5 kids argue. let the guy give his arguments and then give the counter that will inevitably prove him wrong. this is just nefast to the entirety of this problem.

  2. As I gay man… I don't understand why you keep inviting James… he means well but I feel like he is not a good ambassador for the voice and credibility of the LGTB community. He's always talking about being a victim, but then he harasses everyone on the panel who doesn't agree with him.. and often insults Pier on a personal level… we are not all like him and to be honest I am a bit shocked by some of the view stands that he is trying to impose publicly…. like the fact that trans women should compete with bio- women

  3. I am not on that James’ side AT ALL, but it was a bit mean to make him defend his point on his own… funny but mean 😂 He didn’t stand a chance 😂

  4. Huh? Where's the respect? Did this homosexual just demand this? Are you kidding me? Where is his respect for ANYONE that disagree with. Stop it kissing his a** for ratings. This is starting to look really bad for Piers? Who really is the agitator here.

  5. I totally understand the drama of this homosexual James is for effect of the Piers show…? But? Is it just me? Or is this guy so I obnoxious (which he is paid to be) is this just another Piers Springer show? And time to change the channel.

  6. Nothing positive about him. He's an insult to men and women of the human race and he can drink all the Bud Light. He likes because I'll never drink another one thanks to his stupidity

  7. i’m 22 years old, i think od myself ad a member of gen z, and i absolutely despise dylan mulvaney and his portrayal of women, i wholeheartedly believe that he is making a mockery out of womanhood and i hate the fact that i cannot express my opinion publicly bc i’ll be called transphobic and told that i’m “gatekeeping” being a woman, i truly do not have any problem with any trans person, i respect them and i would never discriminate against any such person based on their identity, but what some trans people do is just wrong and i cannot get behind it, i don’t want to be called a “cis woman” or worse a “chest feeder” or any type of those deranged terms, i am a woman, period, and most days everyone on the internet is saying “trans women are women” but yet they feel the urge to describe real women as “cis” instead of just women
    also, james, if you’d like to separate sports based on muscle mass and bone density, lea thomas would not compete with women, as lea has the body qualities and build of a man
    those people always say that hormone replacement therapy changes so much, but it does not rewind the puberty, so if someone went through male puberty and grew up to be a 6’4 male, with a huge wingspan, much stronger arms and legs, bigger lung capacity, the estrogen pills won’t change that
    the state of today’s world truly makes me lose the will to live, and i know it may sound dramatic but i really hate the way that all those people behave and the fact that you cannot really reason with them bc you instantly get labeled a bigot🙂‍↔️
    ehhhh smfh, the state of world we live in…

  8. When the blonde kid said that Piers should have stopped her from “misgendering people”, Piers should have said: “That would be intolerant, and I am not intolerant. She has a right to use the pronouns and words of her choice, and you yours. The problem happens when it moves from words into actions, like stopping people from using their chosen words, forced entry into their locker rooms and sports. What comes next is imprisonment for disliked words and I’m not taking one step toward that direction.”

  9. It is my recollection that for decades women have been successfully suing for women and girls to gain entry into men's and boy's exclusive spaces, including sports. Isn't this settled law? How can a legal case of segregation and exclusivity even be entertained? Are women now advocating for segregation and exclusivity for both sexes?, or just for themselves as special, and above the laws of equality?

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