Did This Cop Try to Hide a Shooting?

Thankfully, there were no injuries.


45 thoughts on “Did This Cop Try to Hide a Shooting?

  1. It is a little weird that he never said anything at all, but in the moment there's no reason to call out shots fired on the radio. No one, and I mean no one will get there fast enough to save you in a gun fight. When seconds count, help is minutes away kind of thing. The officer has everything he needs to take care of the situation, his training, his firearm, and his instincts will be the tools that help him make it through. A lot of officers use the radio as a comfort blanket to pacify their fears. Which is understandable but again it's no help. You gotta face the fear and deliver return fire. The radio does nothing and training officers to get on the radio when they need to focus on the gunfight at hand is counterproductive in my mind.

  2. Americans explain me one thing : why cops car dont have online gps ?
    Every single video i see driver bussy yelling his location to dispatch.
    In europe it's 10e/month maximum. xD

  3. Everyone in this country over 12 years of age knows, if a cop has a gun on you…get down…get still…and get quiet. This way there is no confusion as to why not to shoot. I do not feel sorry for those who chose not to follow directions. Those directions are going to be screwed up occasionally, but everyone knows what they are supposed to do. That said, if cops stuck to a script rather than trying to imitate Clint Eastwood or Charles Bronson dares…"make my day", "get up and see what happens" or "give me an excuse" not to mention all expletives…the directions might come out clearer. Officers have to know they are not dealing with clear thinking individuals, stop interjecting unnecessary verbiage into the highly stressed situation. If anything, it tells the suspect you are scared.

  4. Apart from this cop treating the man like an absolute animal, the man said he was about to have a heart attack and the "officer" said he didn't care. They are supposed to call an ambulance especially after he just got tazed, they even call it for people who they know are faking it because that's what they are supposed to do. This is why I hate most cops.

  5. Officer is definitely an unhinged loose damn cannon.. Not one time have i ever seen a cop fire without them immediately calling it out " Shots Fired" on their walkie talkie. even cops that have been wrong for firing.. they ALWAYS call out " Shots Fired!!".. This is to say the least ridiculous and very inhumane and unprofessional because at the time he didn't know if he even hit the guy or not..let alone if the bullets ricocheted and hit an innocent person.. Just Despicable…….

  6. Most of the time, it's not the actions that are the problem – it's the coverup or how they aren't transparent about what happened. In all honesty, it would have been easy enough to "explain it away" (as we know cops do sometimes) but the fact that he purposely didn't mention it to any other police officers or in the paperwork is pretty f*cked up as there wasn't a good enough reason to lie about it happening in the first place.

  7. They said it was conflicting instructions when he clearly tells him to get on the ground, then "get up and see what happens" while all before taking shots at the suspect. I wouldn't be very confused, more less scared that the officer might be trigger happy.

  8. the truth is we don't have enough police officers. Not all states have two cops in each car. They don't have that system where a vet teaches a new guy. Even if it does happen….you need to do that long term. With that said, we have A BUNCH of cops. Some of them will 100% panic in situations like this. How do we prevent that? MORE TRAINING. That's really it. NEW POLICE officers should probably have a buddy system for a few years lmfao. It doesn't matter who you are. If you aren't actively in gun fights every month or every week. You will continue to panic. To keep all the cops that trained is absurd. We have SOOOO many cops and cities to cover. My point is we'll always have cops mess up. That's humans for you. Every single type of profession or type of person at whatever age or whatever messes up. Cops will mess up. Presidents and priests and doctors will mess up. No one should be surprised if a cop messes up. It's expected. We just need to keep the number low. That's all. Some communities deal with a TEAM of bad cops lol and they do their own thing. They know the power they have and they benefit from it low key it's scary but yeah you can't hate good cops just because their are lots of bad cops. That's how the system breaks and that's what china and russia wants. America should be on track to fall by 40-60 years due to the people within the USA. We spend all our energy and time going against cops and then you have people scared to talk about trans or whatever cause their COMPANY can bankrupt. Go from billions to almost nothing. This is the state of America. We are going down FAST lol if people are this worried about cops dealing with criminals. Mean while we have 100,000's of videos on criminals attacking innocent people. No one cares about that but we focus on the 1000's of cops that messes up and ONLY focus on them lol

  9. He should've said shots fired but this feels very click baity because you yourself hid that the suspect wasn't shot until the end of the video when anyone with eyes can see that.

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