There no such thing as rehabilitated. There are people dying every day in Georgia Prisons and no one is even talking about it You don’t hear anything about this on the news
Anyone who voted for Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. shouldn't complain about people who can relate to Trump's mugshot. They're not voting for him because of the mugshot only. They're saying that they can relate to the system of injustice that has plagued them for decades.
You must admit that was one badass mugshot. The man nailed it. If he had come out looking like shit, the media would be rubbing it in relentlessly. They don't even want to show it 😅
Trump prison mugshot was intentional on behalf of the Democrap Party. That was desigh to decrease his popularity. To change the minds of voters. Thank goodness everyone saw through their wrong doings
Some how in my small mind I relate trump to johnny cash as far as caring about people. I don't think trump would hesitate to walk into a prison an speak to those incarcerated an be able to leave there with support from most of them there.
Within the last year, I have seriously given thought to the prison system and I believe changes need to be made regarding prison and prisoner reform. I have seen some prison options to given certain types of prisoners opportunities to really transform their lives through education, better treatment, the use of animals, etc…to really encourage them to want to make a positive change in their lives and I think that will allow them to come back into society rehabilitated and with something to offer society. I'm not talking about murderers, rapists and other violent offenders. I'm talking about non violent offenders that really want rehabilitation and make an effort to.prove themselves.
In regards to President Trump freeing several people that were incarcerated for whatever reason or amount of time, knowing that he is protective of the citizens of this country and also understanding of their particular situations, I absolutely trust that he had good reason to release those individuals from prison.
I just came across this channel and my brother you are one intelligent mother efer . Reporting from the Bronx, New York the boogie down Bronx. Keep up the good work brother.
I don't know man, the Democrats will crack the whip on the black folks and they will fall in line, like they always do!!!!! They are basically institutionalized and are afraid to do anything different. Still waiting on promises that are always broken, with no intentions of being realized. So sad!!!!! Vote Trump 2024 and make all of American's lives better!!!!
The biggest issue is a lack of a true education in poorest of areas. As soon as the deepstate cut out trade programs and brought in dei they screwed everyone. The only reason why it doesnt show so hard in lightskin primarily areas is the fact that fathers were still in households. Plannedparenthood screwed the poorest areas and now courts are forcing fathers out of childs life in all communities.
Trump did more for blacks than Obama and Biden combined!! it’s not about a mug shot. So you think Black people are that stupid to vote for somebody because of a mug shot? No, it’s because Trump was real and he wouldn’t let illegals take over black folks neighborhoods. Democrats do it and lie to blacks for votes all the time.
LPR FAMILY GUY: You remind me of Eddie Murphy from Beverly hills cop. Love your segments
People aren't buying what Democrats are selling.
There no such thing as rehabilitated. There are people dying every day in Georgia Prisons and no one is even talking about it You don’t hear anything about this on the news
That’s right Van we need to vote for the person that is going to look out for our families and do what is best for our country
Anyone who voted for Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. shouldn't complain about people who can relate to Trump's mugshot. They're not voting for him because of the mugshot only. They're saying that they can relate to the system of injustice that has plagued them for decades.
I agree with you Van
Mug shot Shared experience. No different than BMW ad in certain magazines as opposed to others. Identification. It's not limited to us.
Brianna is a hack and a smug, she couldn’t take a wise black man that can handle the heat.
We want all the black voters. All the black people on our side where they actually belonged all alone. We are the welcoming inclusive party 🎉😅😅❤. Yep.
"Election fraud crimes"….the man who had an election st0len from him is being charged for calling it out. Total bullsh!t and everyone knows it
You must admit that was one badass mugshot. The man nailed it. If he had come out looking like shit, the media would be rubbing it in relentlessly. They don't even want to show it 😅
That part about Kamala and her prison incarceration booster.
Trump prison mugshot was intentional on behalf of the Democrap Party. That was desigh to decrease his popularity. To change the minds of voters. Thank goodness everyone saw through their wrong doings
Mitch must go.
Who the hell equated it to KINSHIP??? She is baiting anyone that will listen
If our needs better help only from Democrats, our health care coverage is very important one, God bless America 🇺🇸
You're a wise dude man.
Some how in my small mind I relate trump to johnny cash as far as caring about people.
I don't think trump would hesitate to walk into a prison an speak to those incarcerated an be able to leave there with support from most of them there.
Within the last year, I have seriously given thought to the prison system and I believe changes need to be made regarding prison and prisoner reform. I have seen some prison options to given certain types of prisoners opportunities to really transform their lives through education, better treatment, the use of animals, etc…to really encourage them to want to make a positive change in their lives and I think that will allow them to come back into society rehabilitated and with something to offer society. I'm not talking about murderers, rapists and other violent offenders. I'm talking about non violent offenders that really want rehabilitation and make an effort to.prove themselves.
In regards to President Trump freeing several people that were incarcerated for whatever reason or amount of time, knowing that he is protective of the citizens of this country and also understanding of their particular situations, I absolutely trust that he had good reason to release those individuals from prison.
I just came across this channel and my brother you are one intelligent mother efer
. Reporting from the Bronx, New York the boogie down Bronx. Keep up the good work brother.
2:39 Black men are supporting Trump more than black women who vote Democrat no matter what. Most blacks get their news from. CNN & MSNBC.
what is your opinion on the long long sentences for Jan 6th ?
Biden. Make the. Bill. Two. In slave. Black. People. Kkkkkk. Jim. Crow. Joe. Biden. Vote. Old. Kkkk. Joe. Biden. Out in 2024.
The leading candidate of Pakistan's election is in jail but he used AI to run his election campaign . Technology can help DJT campaign
I think people are waking uo to the ridiculous actions. Of Biden. An ruining all of America
I think people are waking up
I don't know man, the Democrats will crack the whip on the black folks and they will fall in line, like they always do!!!!! They are basically institutionalized and are afraid to do anything different. Still waiting on promises that are always broken, with no intentions of being realized. So sad!!!!! Vote Trump 2024 and make all of American's lives better!!!!
I’m a 60 year old white man, I can tell you Biden is the most racist person I’ve seen in politics!
No more pipe breaks, no more boxes of ballots under the table in Georgia…
Trump wins big❗😅
I don't believe a bad economy is what leads to a rise in crime nearly as much as demwits instigating people to riot does.
According to the racists I'm neither black nor brown, yet I've been arrested on more than one occasion.
Bden federal crime bill
The biggest issue is a lack of a true education in poorest of areas. As soon as the deepstate cut out trade programs and brought in dei they screwed everyone. The only reason why it doesnt show so hard in lightskin primarily areas is the fact that fathers were still in households. Plannedparenthood screwed the poorest areas and now courts are forcing fathers out of childs life in all communities.
Giving hope americans can come together instead of focusing on the corrupt elitist deception on skintone.
Trump did more for blacks than Obama and Biden combined!! it’s not about a mug shot. So you think Black people are that stupid to vote for somebody because of a mug shot? No, it’s because Trump was real and he wouldn’t let illegals take over black folks neighborhoods. Democrats do it and lie to blacks for votes all the time.