Cop Finds Himself Quickly Outnumbered

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The individuals presented in these videos may be suffering from the effects of alcohol, drug abuse, a mental health disorder or simply having a bad day. The videos should NOT be presumed to be representative of their general behavior. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.

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44 thoughts on “Cop Finds Himself Quickly Outnumbered

  1. i was with my dad years ago i may have been like 20 and we were at the store just getting beer and smokes an officer showed up with lights going my dad asked whats going on the officer immediatley said hands behind your back your under arrest never said why my dad resisted the cop swung at him dad caught his wrist and looked him dead in the eye and said son dont the officer backed off and another showed up and cleared up the situation it was a mistake thier was a warrant on somebody with a similar vehicle my old man spent 6 years in army and was an airborne ranger that young cop learned a hard lesson just wanted to share that

  2. Ooh, I recognize this video.
    Could these be the people that wrote that fake lawsuit or whatever threating to sue Midwest? Everybody's trying to figure out whoch video, from the dates and the letter saying 'we' multiple times, claiming defamation, etc…maybe its these guys? Hmm.

  3. He said her free speech is against the law. Thats the trick. They keep the poor blacks & whites equally as dumb. People can be within 10 ft says the unsupreme court. At the end of the day i believe trumps 2nd term will cause Americans to get rid of the tyranny. Thats the oldest precedent our country has. Our countries population is over 300 million there has never been a number so big with people flipping out at the same time. I really hope im wrong but its pretty obvious that without some major event we won't get the major changes we need.
    An illegal insurrectionist government is incoming the 900k police are their arm ee but im older so i remember when there was actually crime and some neighborhoods was treated like a Uvalde school the blue stayed out of em out of fear. So i understand if America breaks it will be the worst thing for everyone who lives here and there families. I been stocking up on water an food people smart money says be ready.

  4. I made the common mistake of misidentifying these individuals as being from the Dindoonuffen tribe, when in fact they are from the Dineevendu Nuhtn tribe. Common mistake, I am not mad at myself for making it.

  5. I is intelligent "my boiiiii" 😂 I'm surprised this isn't im Lacrosse. Every other video is usually out of Lacrosse. That city is like a GTA online role play server 😂😂

  6. the last guy, he punched his brother, his calamity and lowkey guilt had him go straighten it all out . thats what brothers do😅notice he happened to leave details of his own involvement out, other than There Was A Tussle? 😂

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