CONTROL Your Strength: You NEED to Train Your Slow Twitch Muscle Fibre!

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32 thoughts on “CONTROL Your Strength: You NEED to Train Your Slow Twitch Muscle Fibre!

  1. Does anyone has experience in this type of training in terms of Muscle Growth? (Martial Artist (Taekwondo) with focus on developing power over Mass)
    P.S. Thank you very much in advance

  2. Studies showed that slow twitch fibers will activate no matter what, but fast twitch do not, so it’s better to train for fast twitch, as the slow twitch will be trained at the same time anyway.

  3. This explains so many odd things about my strength in Highschool Weightlifting the first time! I had gotten obsessed with the slow movements encouraged by Martial arts in middle school and tried doing EVERYTHING slow, when I had time. Only child shenanigans in the countryside haha.

  4. I have a fever, and the only prescription is more rings, i need gymnastic rings babyyyyy.
    Btw indian bronze era bodybuilders knew this and other lifters of that same period were known for having insane muscle control. Imagine combining traditional resistance training with some of the more strenght requiring assanas from yoga. Youd become an absolute unit

  5. This videos is incorrect. You train all fibers when your train to failure. Also you vsn train slow twitch and turn them into mere fast twitch because muscles are plastic

  6. 0:55 as I remember myself I always didn't understand, why there is so much attention to the weight and volume. Instead of attention to the action and to the control of your body in action and in movement. Imagine some sports athletes in swimming, running, jumping, climbing, cycle or this types of athletics, decathlon, heptathlon sport.

    Yeah, to do some stuff with weights it's a pleasure and hard work. What is next. That gave me a bunch of endorphins, my body feels good and ready to do stuff. What is next?

  7. You’re trying to redefine the concept of Time Under Tension, which requires the lifter to figure out at which point of the movement the tension is at at its maximum. Also, if you’re having to use your legs or other parts of your body to complete a set (which you demonstrated on this video) then your concept of “weight control” goes out the window.

  8. If slow twitch are always activated, but you don't really fatigue it if you only do explosive training and therefore they won't adapt… Isn't the conclusion: do drop sets?

  9. This is probably why I got so ripped growing up on a farm. Lots of explosive and controlled movements doing farm work. As an adult, explosive concentric and slow eccentric is the only way I've ever felt the burn in my chest muscles, and it fires it up everywhere else too. Way more overall strength and stability results too.

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