Conservative Student Schools Liberal Professor On 2A | LEFTIES LOSE IT AGAIN



34 thoughts on “Conservative Student Schools Liberal Professor On 2A | LEFTIES LOSE IT AGAIN

  1. As a nurse who works in an ER that sees a large percentage of our patients use marijuana I strongly discourage its use. Most of our ER nurses agree.

  2. When the young man asked what she was protecting her self against what? I was thinking the usual answer is big game animals intruding but really there is one answer why it is important to have a fire arm. It is not for your fellow citizens or for big animals. And that’s why they demand you vote for them to take them from you.

    Don’t vote in what you have to shoot your way out of with fire arms

    I’m just glad this professor encourage people to ask questions

  3. First. There is a ton of stuff wrong with smoking pot. Look it up dude. Makes you lazy and dependant on . Makes you paranoid. Makes you have totally have zero social skills. I could go on and on Get to the title dude. 28 minutes and no, "Schooling Liberal Professor on 2A". I'm done. Bye.

  4. I notice lots of people weed shaming in the live comments on screen.
    Come on, now!!!
    Potheads are the people I LEAST worry about with guns.
    Also, everybody seeks ways to alter their perception… weed is one of the only few chemical methods, that really isn't all that bad for you…. and in small amounts, can really benefit a lot of people. So many people with anxiety, will "poo-poo" weed, and then take a xanax, because "That's prescribed by my doctor" … while xanax is a horribly addictive and dangerous drug… but weed was "illegal"…. yeah, it was rushed to illegality after prohibition ended, because Harry Anslinger didn't want to be out a job. It was written off as having no medical value (it was already known to be an antiemetic agent and was used in certain OTC remedies) with a bunch of racist propaganda piled on top… Anslinger said "Marijuana makes Negroes think they're as good as whites." (NOT MY OPINION)
    Sure it's a drug… but a safer one than your doctor would give you.

  5. Definitely have been where Emily has been and had those conversations in classes while in college. I can't say I know everything, but I understand enough to explain why I think the way I do. It's nice to see others, like her, do the same.

  6. Amen i really thought the teacher was gonna disappoint but he didnt. I bet he is voting for Trump this time around. You know he voted for.Biden. every for him is comingover to this side

  7. 16:25 i drink too. i was going pre-diabetic at one point so i did a lot of research and was able to reverse it. prolonged drinking affects your gut health first and then it devolves into all sorts of other health issues. you should consider taking probiotics and prebiotics. proper sleep and intermittent fasting are key aspects to repairing gut health as well. i do take it easy now and stay hydrated, but i'm glad i'm still able to drink because i love beer, the variety, the science and history and i want to start a micro-brewing company. it's unfortunate that many doctors don't really offer sound advice in nutrition for reversing pre-diabetes, they just prescribe pills and write you off.

  8. He may be a liberal personally, but as a professor he does seem to try and get both sides or multiple sides of an issue. I've seen many of his videos. He tries to get both sides to understand the issues.

  9. I don't want anyone to ask me anything if they see an NRA sticker.
    I want them all to understand and KNOW that they have the Constitutional Right to own a gun to protect themselves from enemies, foreign and domestic.
    That guns are not just for "hunting."
    That only the Rich and Connected in gun control Countries are allowed to own guns. – plus their military and some cops.

  10. I hear the argument of " Is your stuff worth more then a human life?" I say " Is my stuff worth your life" and for the they them rainbow brows girl you say we don't need to know what you are but then get pissed when we don't know. Not my circus not my monkeys and definitely not part of your delusion.

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