Concord And Trend Chasing Live Service Games – Luke Reacts

LINKS: — Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and …


33 thoughts on “Concord And Trend Chasing Live Service Games – Luke Reacts

  1. To give credit to the game it looks like the gun play looks good unlike most hero shooters that seemed to have the same kind of feeling to the shooting this one looks like it's going to have a distinctive feeling from all the rest but that's probably because it's me by ex Bungie devs bungie can make great shooting mechanics.

    Ill play it and judge it on that

  2. Playstation is trying to make an overwatch when they should be trying to make a Halo. Reason being it would have no direct competition as a Playstation game and it would be different enough from all the other pvp games available on their console. Also 343 is still struggling to get their act together so there would have been a chance to steal even more xbox fans.

  3. Gabe Newell was very tactical with that piracy quote:
    We simply cannot know how many pirates there are who could possibly be convinced by FOMO into forking out for a fresh game, 's why so many companies hedge bets with Denuvo for their release windows. But there are definitely pirates who will simply ignore a game if they can't pirate it, because they don't budget for it.
    However the Budget Pirates may eventually be convinced to buy into legal game distribution, if their personal living conditions improve.
    And THOSE people will often see buying a game as a benevolent act of sorts, after all it was a choice on their part.
    And if you're polite to these reformed pirates, support the concept of a benevolent choice — you make people feel good about themselves and about spending money in your store.

  4. Lawbreakers was really cool. I played it on console, and my biggest gripes were that the characters were all dumb looking and there was no built-in voice-chat. I think it was the lack of voice chat that really hurt it. The game is incredibly fast paced and you need solid communication for a game like that. I had no issues with the gameplay. It’s really a damn shame that it didn’t get an audience.

  5. I’ve been playing Star Wars Hunters and I have to say for it being a free to play mobile game it’s actually really fun. Is it perfect? No but I’m enjoying it so much I actually bought the battle pass. Which is maybe the first time I have ever paid actual money for a battle pass.

    But concord looks like booty crumbs

  6. How are you going to have a hero shooter without a single good character design? You have Porcupine from X-Men 1, some girl, Drax at home and fat robot. Like Overwatch sucks, but they at least have some memorable designs.

  7. I had no faith in Helldivers 2 being successful and I'd say the general audience would say the same thing. I'll withhold my judgment for Concord. Especially when good players get their hands on it and can truly make the gameplay shine.

  8. Am I crazy to think Concord has a decent shot? Overwatch is practically dead at this point. If Concord keeps the consistency of story updates that Overwatch never had and the gameplay is good then we've got a big franchise on our hands.

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