‘Comedy gold’: Sky News host reacts to The Daily Show poking fun at Kamala Harris

Sky News host James Morrow has reacted to a clip from The Daily Show of a “deep dive into how Kamala Harris’ speeches are …


49 thoughts on “‘Comedy gold’: Sky News host reacts to The Daily Show poking fun at Kamala Harris

  1. That is every one of Harris’ speeches, a lot of transcendentalist mumbo jumbo that doesn’t explain anything. The people want answers to why the border is wide open, they want answers to why inflation is high, they want answers to why there is so much crime that’s not being prosecuted. If she would just do her job and crack down on the illegal aliens, the crime, and the high inflation,she would be a better likable person, and not just by Willie Brown.

  2. “Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been… ever, for any reason whatsoever…” – Kamala Harris

  3. Has KH ever heard the crap that comes out of her mouth? She is a frigging retard — wait, that insults retards. KH is on a whole another level of moron, even above a fuc*tard — a spasfu**tardmoron

  4. US presidents and vice presidents in the past have variously been corrupt, incompetent, devious or mendacious, but never have both offices been occupied simultaneously by two people as mentally retarded and unintelligent as in todays administration with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
    Their joint IQs couldn't power an LCD bulb.

  5. • Trump's three Atlantic City casinos were an absolute failure. During Trumps 13 years as Chairman (1995-2009) and CEO (2000-2005), his casinos lost 1.1 Billion and were over 3 Billion in debt. The casinos went into bankruptcy and Trump was forced by his investors to give up all of his interest. In 2014 all the casinos went into bankruptcy again. Two casinos were shut down in 2014 and one was taken over by Icahn Group.

    • In 1984 Trump purchased the New Jersey Generals in the US Football League. The team and league failed and closed in 1985.

    • In 1988 Trump purchased 27 year old Eastern Airlines, a successful commuter line. He tried to make it a luxury airline and defaulted on the loan. The airline went out of business in 1992.

    • In 1989 Trump started the Tour De Trump bicycle race, but then sold it at a loss in 1990 to DuPont who removed every trace of his name.

    • In the same year Trump started "Trump the Game". In 1990 it is discontinued due to lack of interest.

    • In 1989 Trump tried to start Trump Video on Demand, but the company failed immediately.

    • In 2001 Trump partnered with Bowman Group to build hotel in Toronto, Canada. At that time, Bowman's chairman Leib Waldman was waiting extradition to the US to serve a prison term for a US embezzlement conviction. He fled the US to avoid prison.

    • After 9/11, Trump took $150,000 from The World Trade Center Business Recovery grant program designed to help small businesses, even though Trump admitted in an interview that none of his businesses were damaged in the attack. He has been asked to give the money back.

    • In 2003 Trump made Russian born Felix Satter aka Sater his Senior Advisor even though Satter was convicted of stabbing a man in the face in 1993 and convicted of Mafia orchestrated stock fraud scheme in 1998, and barred from selling securities for life. Satter is a known monster.

    • In 2004 Trump starts Trump Ice bottled water. Out of business in less than 1 year.

    • In 2005 Trump lends his name to Trump Institute, a real estate seminar business run by scam artists Irene and Mike Milin who were being chased by attorney generals in multiple states for fraud. The Trump Institute was a scam shut down by 2009.

    • In 2005 Trump started his own fraudulent real estate seminar business, Trump University, which shuts down in 2010. It was investigated by NY Attorney General's office for fraud and is sued by former students for fraud. Trump settled the lawsuit for $25,000,000.

    • In 2006 Trump started Trump Mortgage, a sub prime mortgage company. Out of business in 2007-08. Trump picks EJ Ridings as CEO claiming he was a "top executive at one of Wall Streets most prestigious investment banks". In reality, Ridings only investment bank experience was 3 months with Morgan Stanley in which he was an entry level broker for 6 days.

    • In 2006 Trump started Trump Vodka. Out of business in 2011.

    • The same year Trump started a luxury search engine which shut down later in 2006 due to lack of interest.

    • In 2006 Trump and Ivanka actively misrepresented themselves as partners in Trump Ocean Resort to get small investors to buy condo units in the Resort, where the investment will finance the building of the condos. In reality, Trump only licensed his name. The project was never built and the investors lost all their money, often their life savings.

    • In 2007 Trump starts Trump Magazine which goes out of business in 1 1/2 year.

    • The same year Trump starts Trump Steaks. Out of business in one year.

    • In 2008 Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago defaults on $640,000,000 loan. Trump defaults on a $40,000,000 personal guarantee on that loan and is booted from management by his own investors.

    • In 2009 Trump Entertainment files bankruptcy.

    • In 2014 Trump enters into money laundering scheme/ hotel real estate venture in Azerbaijani with known supporters of terrorism.

    • In 2016 Trump's Dural Golf Course is sued by a painting contractor that Trump refused to pay. The contractor wins. Trump refuses to pay the judgment and Judge orders the Golf Course to be sold at auction. The auction was stayed pending appeal.

    As he squandered his inheritance, no American banks would give him loans.

    No problem….

    "Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."

    ~ Eric Trump

    "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets…We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

    ~ Donald Trump Jr.

    Now you know why Trump never criticized Putin and believed Russia’s Intelligence over our own.

    If Trump hadn’t inherited his millions he’d be asking,

    “Would you like fries with your order?”

    A remarkable record of failures.

  6. If Kamala isn't sufficiently inane, we've got another California Wingnut, Gavin Newscum & his hair. Imagine being in Hell, flanked by your eternal, conversational companions, Biden, Harris & Nancy Pelosi!

  7. Yes, and this same bloated expat FOX reject will blubber snowflake tears of contracted outrage when The Daily Show skewered his Dear Leader 🍊 🤡

  8. Yes, and this same bloated expat FOX reject will blubber snowflake tears of contracted outrage when The Daily Show skewered his Dear Leader 🍊 🤡

  9. This stitched up Yank needs to go back to America he is embarrassing himself as a presenter….he’s another one..if he cracked a smile..it would crack his face…..he’s not even “cool” with his deep man…that’s just trying to defy his age.

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