Come at me bro

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As a reminder, all individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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34 thoughts on “Come at me bro

  1. My one night sorta like this was much more acceptable. The staff of the place joined me to see why im sitting on the restroom floor. I went to the main area, and i saw people looking at my scene so i saod "you all wanna kick my A?"

    Tgen my friend got me out. My body quit across the street but i fell in bushes and had good cover and concealmemt. My froend wanted me to get up but i told him i cant do that. After kicking me hard a few times he left. I went to sleep and woke up about noon

  2. They could have easily just given him a ride home and it'd be over. Installed the cops wanted to bust him on a crime that wasn't there. It's not illegal to drink.

  3. Drinking isn't glamorous but he left when he wasn't wanted and he paid his tab. This was completely unnecessary and kind of proves his point. American police are like half Nazi's. They aren't half Nazi's, just like half Nazi's. Shit, just give him a ride home! Public safety is your original pre-nazi role in society.

  4. its always so strange to me that whenever i watch one of these, the person who is being investigated always says, Arrest me! take me to jail! and eventually thats exactly what happens? lol good times

  5. 6:27 – Okay, I will be that person… Officer, why are you walking up on him while demanding he back up? You went at him. He did step towards you, but did step away and then you stepped towards him and then told him to back up… I feel you did that because you did not want to deal with him anymore and wanted to cuff and stuff him.
    There are some officers whom instigate and those whom deescalate the situation, this officer is the first.

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