CobraCast 199



33 thoughts on “CobraCast 199

  1. I believe Japanese people call it He-ROH-shma.

    We absolutely need Ben Shapiro on the right, he’s super intelligent and articulate with his opinions. BUT he has def been very emotional since the Israel conflict started in October and he’s been a bit unhinged. Going at Tucker is pointless.

  2. Crowder has been pro-Trump as long as I can remember. If he gave an “official” endorsement recently it was just ceremonial. He’s def all in for Trump. First time voter here, I can not wait to vote for the Don! Trump 2024 🇺🇸

  3. I think it's funny: Jeremy is reacting to a Benny video, who is reacting to a Ben Shapiro video, who is reacting to a Joe Rogan video, who I'm sure reacted to a video or two on that podcast even though it may not have been in this Ben > Benny > DdayCobra video. That's the internet for ya.

  4. Crowder never officially endorses anyone , so it was a big deal that this was the first time for anyone , i dont get Jeremy's hate for Crowder if he actually watched him he would know they agree on most things, i can understand not liking his comedy style but the hatred is weird , Jeremy always acts so negatively the instant his name is mentioned its actually getting annoying

  5. "Should the USA have dropped the bombs on Japan" IS NOT THE QUESTION! The people at that time, with that situation, with those rules, with that war, with the people they were fighting spent uncountable tumultuous hours thinking about what was best
    This is the same as the left using slavery as a measure of how people are today. The bombs are the right's slavery agrument. It makes everyone look so damned petty, bitter, and stupid, as evidence by current discussions.
    Let's deal with today's issues today with consideration of the outcomes of past events. But endlessly arguing to change pay events is FOOLISH! Let's not be fooled.

  6. I DO NOT want David as VP! A cabinet office would be fine. Or maybe he will let DeSantis be "the destroyer" and start hacking gub'ment offices we don't need.

  7. Could the Nazis have built the bomb? They had the brainpower, but not the resources. Getting enough uranium was very expensive. Germany was surrounded on all sides and cutoff. I believe one of the factories at Auschwitz had prisoners making synthetic rubber because Germany couldn’t even get regular rubber. This puts another chink in the armour of why America had to use them in WWII.

  8. Japan was already close to surrender because of the conventional bombs dropped on them. That’s why the “we had to do it to save lives” argument doesn’t wash. The whole idea was a terror weapon, to show dominance. If it was all about defeating the Nazis, why not drop two bombs on Germany? Was it because Jewish Americans worked on the bomb and there were no Jewish prisoners in Japan?

  9. The Supreme Court has been really watching and listening to all the stupidity going on. They've had enough also. We are all fed up. The great thing is people are changing party's going from democrats to Republicans. It's actually happening. The great thing I just read going on is about DA Fanni Willis oh my God love it. People r so fed up. Trump 2024❤

  10. Trump also made an example out of the Russian mercs the Wagner group in Syria. The way the mercs were turned into red mist by artillery fire and missiles before Russia got to them is very intimidating.

  11. Listen, if Trump taking credit for operation warp speed keeps someone from voting for him or deciding to vote for Biden, then it was inevitable that this hypothetical person was going to vote for Biden or not vote at all. Because that is a small hiccup and if that small hiccup turns you against Trump or has you voting for the constant hiccup, Biden, then if a debate does happen whatever Trump will say will do the same as that one hiccup.

  12. Maybe this is a picky side note. I LOVE Benny Johnson but his mispronunciation of Nuclear bomb, Thermo-Nuclear, Nuclear power, Nuclear weapons sets off my High- functioning, moderate OCD. Is it me?? Am I pronouncinging it wrong?? I don't think it's pronounced Nucular. Don't at me. Maybe both is correct, but Nucular twangs my ears. ❤

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