CNN: President Obama caught on open mic

The White House is downplaying some behind-the-scenes remarks made about the budget battle that were caught on tape.


50 thoughts on “CNN: President Obama caught on open mic

  1. I’m glad more people than ever recognize this guy for the fraud he is and always has been. Obamacare was absolutely rotten and this guy was nothing but a vassal of class warfare and division. He set this country back 50 years on race relations, and released Antifa/BLM onto the country while ISIS rampaged in the Middle East. And the craziest thing is that all of these years later…….we STILL don’t even know who the hell this guy really is. Without a doubt, the strangest, most unverifiable backstory of any President ever. Dude’s only job was “community organizer”, and to this day, no one knows who paid for his schooling because the records are sealed. How did he bounce so easily from Hawaii, to Boston, to Chicago? The more you look into him, the stranger and more discreet it gets

  2. Isn’t it funny only CBS was the only one there to record everything of Barack Obama. It sounds like it was the stage to be taken to the American people to be outsmarted and out with it that we were supposed to play the cards of the dummies at all the Democrats think that we’re stupid we don’t know what’s going on because America, just like Barack Obama back in his first term of being president that he will get something done on his second term that my friends was a beginning where you had witness where your license were starting to be rigged by the Democrat party and that started in 2008. how about that Democrats you got yourself caught on tape and nobody has thought about what you have done to destroy our country come on Barack, and now you want to have the finishing touches of the third term of your election under Joe Biden after all, your administration was nothing but a circus, too, at the White House, and the American people got to see the word stupidity and the um um man, as your press secretary, and it seem like that was the code for every Democrat, who got up to speak with to use that word um word dislike it was a code for the Democrats to pile on and act stupid but they’re again you’re already had a vice president was dumb as a rock and his name was Joe Biden who is currently the president of the United States and he hasn’t gotten no smarter when he was with your administration than he is with his own administration and it seems like the American people have spoken up that we want to change and we got it for the year 2024 with the presidential election we common sense came back to America because we seen that movie over and over again and we got Donald Trump this time as a new sheriff in town

  3. You’re done Obama all your pedophile bullshit is over no more stealing our children now we’re selling our children no more raping our children you’re done both you and Michael

  4. Nobama came up we the worse health care program ever. AMERICANS had to pay if they couldnt afford his jacked up worthles health care. Now how is somebody suposed to pay a penalty because they cant afford ins. When the penalty is high as ins was before he screwed it up. I thought he was going to jail. Nobama you need to stay at home with your husband.

  5. Obama as worthless as tits on a boar I knew a guy that only made $325 from working his life time motormouth Obama took $110 out of the guys $325 a month Eddie had to live on gas food everything they took it out for a year on the poor guy so they didn’t do their job why not catching it and taking a third of the guys wages for a whole year and the guy couldn’t go to the doctor hospital if he had to what would he eat where were they live it was a disgrace and they didn’t even catch it so whoever was doing his work that year was another one that year what is another one that was worthless as tits on a boar that’s the rumor just to guess worthless evil evil evil against good nothing more nothing less they might as well took all the guys money that’s the rumor just a guess😊

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