Great t.v great moments with not great but normal kids and adults which added to the magic because only in t.v do you get magic but for us mere mortals we were just along for the ride but what a ride it was didnt know where we were going but those doing the driving got us there,in,out and now back again only this time were not leaving were here to stay this time around because now we get it finally.
I went to high school with Jeff Yaegher who later played Kyle in V. In 1978 we were both in our school drama club, and I had a huge but sadly unrequited crush on him!
Space:1999 (Year 1) Iconic – incomparable. Music, set designs, production values, storylines… While it had imperfections as everyone one of the listed productions did as well, it remains Unique – thought-provoking to this day. Thank you to all who helped create it.
Don't Forget the awesome Terry Nation series. Like Dr. Who (still running to this day), Blake's 7 etc. Btw, my favourite Doctor will always be Tom Baker. 😎
Oh and the series Tripods. I think it ran for 2, or even maybe 3 seasons.
I recognise and of course remember a majority of these shows. V was fantastic as it was traumatizing to me as a child. If there's one recent sci-fi film that I really hate to a point it makes me angry is Battle LA which ripped off V. Science fiction looks better than ever but the quality of storytelling has unfortunately degraded. Now it's superheroes which to some degree explore science fiction themes but not as thought provoking as it use to be. It's all about being "woke" now 🤬 I'm watching the third season of the 95 to 02 series of The Outer Limits at the moment. Now that was a great series.
1:42, if you saw Whit Bissel on screen, time travel was involved (Time Tunnel, Time Machine film). Even if it had to wait 30 for a revamp (DS9 Time and Tibble-ations).
I will never forget watching The Starlost first episode with my Dad, we were late, mom had put a roast in the oven (she worked evenings) and we roared in the door. No time to boil potatoes or veggies. No pause or VCR in those days either watch it or miss out, so Dad grabbed roast out of oven , put it on a footstool and sliced it and we ate it on crackers. What a cool guy he was. Sigh , think I will go have a bit of a cry.
If I was Mrs. Robinson I would have kicked Dr. Smith out of the saucer on the first habitable planet we came to. Mad crush on James Naughton. Question: how did Diana Prince get to join any type of service without training or a birth certificate?
Not all great shows made it into this one! Volume 2 coming soon. (If I put everyone into one video it would be a long one!!)
Why is there No Sound(?)
Great t.v great moments with not great but normal kids and adults which added to the magic because only in t.v do you get magic but for us mere mortals we were just along for the ride but what a ride it was didnt know where we were going but those doing the driving got us there,in,out and now back again only this time were not leaving were here to stay this time around because now we get it finally.
Loved these shows, they were great.
Land of the lost, I know it was a kids show but some of the plots and concepts were more advanced than some of the shows intended for adults!
I went to high school with Jeff Yaegher who later played Kyle in V. In 1978 we were both in our school drama club, and I had a huge but sadly unrequited crush on him!
I just relived my childhood. Thanks for the nostalgia.
Space:1999 (Year 1) Iconic – incomparable. Music, set designs, production values, storylines… While it had imperfections as everyone one of the listed productions did as well, it remains Unique – thought-provoking to this day. Thank you to all who helped create it.
What, no "Logan's Run" ?
I have a interceptor and a set of the Thunderbirds toys
Don't Forget the awesome Terry Nation series. Like Dr. Who (still running to this day), Blake's 7 etc. Btw, my favourite Doctor will always be Tom Baker. 😎
Oh and the series Tripods. I think it ran for 2, or even maybe 3 seasons.
If Galactica 1980 was included, it’s only fair Jason of Star Command (spin-off of Space Academy) to be included too.
How can u not have the Space 1999 opening theme? That's almost as good as the BSG opening
V was one of my favorites too I never miss an episode
These Classic Movies really hard to beat as a child I was fascinated
Good post, but you include Starlost but leave out Land of the Giants & Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea ?
What about Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea??
0 out of 0…
no doctor who >:(
Star trek my favorite.
SPACE:1999 was great
What a great period of history we lived through.
I recognise and of course remember a majority of these shows.
V was fantastic as it was traumatizing to me as a child.
If there's one recent sci-fi film that I really hate to a point it makes me angry is Battle LA which ripped off
Science fiction looks better than ever but the quality of storytelling has unfortunately degraded.
Now it's superheroes which to some degree explore science fiction themes but not as thought provoking as it use to be. It's all about being "woke" now 🤬
I'm watching the third season of the 95 to 02 series of The Outer Limits at the moment.
Now that was a great series.
1:42, if you saw Whit Bissel on screen, time travel was involved (Time Tunnel, Time Machine film). Even if it had to wait 30 for a revamp (DS9 Time and Tibble-ations).
You missed out on The One t.v. Si Fi programme, that has spanned the globe over the 1960s, 70s and the 80s and that Is The One and Only … Dr Who
who is life today …
Back when not everyone was a fracking cylon.
Dr Smith from lost in space would be the first one I shoved out the airlock……………with a big satisfied grin on my face.
Loused Up in Space was the worst of them all
Lost in Space loved it!
All you did was take clips from the shows. No narration, no original air dates. Just click bate not worth watching.
Brasil Rio de janeiro. 😀😎😎
Blakes 7 was really good
I will never forget watching The Starlost first episode with my Dad, we were late, mom had put a roast in the oven (she worked evenings) and we roared in the door. No time to boil potatoes or veggies. No pause or VCR in those days either watch it or miss out, so Dad grabbed roast out of oven , put it on a footstool and sliced it and we ate it on crackers. What a cool guy he was.
Sigh , think I will go have a bit of a cry.
Man from Atlantis?
Star Lost was my favorite!
If I was Mrs. Robinson I would have kicked Dr. Smith out of the saucer on the first habitable planet we came to.
Mad crush on James Naughton.
Question: how did Diana Prince get to join any type of service without training or a birth certificate?
I miss the Space patrol – the fantastic adventures of the Orion spaceship
Films is really big wrongs.:/
forgot dr who and the prisoner
Planet of the apes without Charlton Heston?
Was fantastic, originals
i loved all of these, the writing for Starlost was amazing, too bad the effects couldnt keep up
GOOGLE ::::::::::ESPAÑOL ::::::::
Arc II was the first time I remember seeing a hot Asian Chick!
How long did Starlost last on tv? Thanks
Did they forget Dr Who?