China-Pakistan relations: Economic corridor hopes to link nations

A mountain crossing nearly 5-thousand metres above sea level is revitalising a remote region of northern Pakistan. It’s part of a …


47 thoughts on “China-Pakistan relations: Economic corridor hopes to link nations

  1. Al jazeera cannot dare to tell anything like how it tells on india for china
    Even when all the muslim roots in china are removed they dont care because they are just a bunch of religious media

  2. It’s going through Indian territory… it will remain a dream and billions of dollars down the drain.

    IT WONT HAPPEN … Marx and Allah can both come and try…it still won’t happen.

  3. CPEC is a great success. Gwadar has grown into a major port bigger than Dubai. Chinese people are safe in Pakistan and loved by the Baloch people. CPEC is minting money, and Pakistan has paid back all its loans to IMF and China. This is all due to the honest and selfless leadership of Pakistani politicians and the establishment. Long live the great leader Xi Jinping.

  4. In the garb of CPEC, China has already occupied lot of Pakistan's assets like ports, airports, roadways and Pakistani leaders being corrupt are busy making money . The whole point is this CPEC passes through Indian lands under illegal Pak occupation and it's a matter of time that pok including Gilgit Baltistan is taken back by India

  5. the problem with pakistan is their own politics. there wasn't any administration that last peacefully until the next election. to boost your economy, first step is to have a stabil politics. they never have it

  6. Why Pakistan need a road from its far south connecting to its far north , and for that they borrowed that much money, it is only useful for china for which Pakistani Awam is paying 😅

  7. China builds roads, trains and seaports to connect the EuroAsia, Middle East and Africa landmass. It is well justified cost. $30B? Come on! Each day, US military spent $1B in Afghan. So, at what cost that US stays in Afghan? Over a $1T! So, tell me, how do you justify cost? On one side, people are spending $30B to build roads, trains and ports that connect the landmass for the people living there. On the other hand, wars are raised to benefit the military complex.

    At what cost? Think!

  8. Pakistan should gift China a Grand mosque in the downtown of Shanghai as a gratitude towards China's unconditional help and love.

    Islam is the best gift China can get ❤❤❤❤

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