Charlie Kirk DISMANTLES Brainwashed College Student, Then She INSULTS Audience!

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43 thoughts on “Charlie Kirk DISMANTLES Brainwashed College Student, Then She INSULTS Audience!

  1. The first girl never learned the pledge of allegiance! It states and to the republic for which it stands . Poor pathetic uneducated soul. Doesn’t even know the basics of our government.

  2. FAITH: john 12:31 — Now is the judgment of this world: Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
    Is your FAITH with JESUS' WORDS – or is your FAITH wasted on the existence of the satan JESUS vanquished 2000 years ago? Did you miss judgment day?

  3. I mean, that's not entirely accurate. America is a representative republic at the national and state levels, however, it is very much a democracy at the local level. Don't forget, America has 3 levels of government, and while it's tempting to write off the local level because you don't ever see it on the evening news, the local level is the one that affects you personally the most.

    Also, there are elements of democracy at the state level, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a democracy at the state level. That's why you see statewide ballot referenda. So when you are voting to legalize medical marijuana (or not) in your state election, you are directly participating in actual democracy, even though it supposedly doesn't exist in America.

    So to answer Charlie's initial question, does the word democracy itself appear in the constitution or any of the founding documents? No, it does not, however, that is an intellectually dishonest question, because individual state constitutions and local charters do allow for varying levels of direct democracy in their policy making and procedures.

    But y'all are going to be mad at me for saying that because it's not 'pwning the libs'.

  4. I have a college degree, and I still say college is not for everyone and college doesn’t automatically make you smarter or wiser. Many of these college students have not figured out that Charlie Kirk is smarter than SOME of them will ever be, even without college. College does not automatically equal smart, and it definitely doesn’t equal wisdom.

  5. The way a podcast proves legitimacy is by continued viewing and listening. I agree there is no overarching administration supervising what is said. What keeps a podcast alive is the audience. No audience, the podcast is an echochamber with no listeners. Some administrations of schools can force their view on students. No podcast can force anyone to listen, and if no outside force can or will support a "dead". podcaster The advertisers pay, no audience, no sponsors. no sponsors, no broadcast spots. The podcast dies of loneliness. Higher education relies on donors, not customers.

  6. The girl has been brainwashed to be woke at university and you have been brainwashed to be religious since you were a child. Just think about it, the theory of god is something which was dreampt upon thousands of years ago when they thought the world was flat. Your faith is something you were taught when you were a child. Adolf Hilter once said ".. if you can get a child when he is 7 and you'll have him forever".

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