30 thoughts on “Charles Barkley GOES NUCLEAR On Black Community”
Choose Life! Become a $50 Monthly Donor or Make a One Time Donation of $250 and get a free Tatum Bus Angel t-shirt. Visit savethestorks.org/Tatum or CLICK HERE to Donate:
I’m not for abortion. I, however, do believe that a safe abortion should be available within a certain time frame and certainly circumstances. God will judge not me. God could very well lead a person in that direction. No one knows. I don’t understand the objection to Plan B. Plan B is designed to stop a fertilized egg from attaching to a uterine wall. That’s before a heart beat. Most fertile eggs end up on a napkin anyway. If Plan B can stop a rape victim from having to ask for an abortion, why shouldn’t it they be able to pick that before stopping a heart.
Great conversation. There are people in power who want black people to stay ignorant. As a Puerto Rican man raised in the inner city (Newark, NJ) and a man of God, opening the border is international to keep black people from achieving greater.
I remember I had an opinion on my people and all hell broke loose, this guy I once was dating sad to me, you don't care about black people. That's a lie from the pits of hell where he came from. I am 100% black and I believe we all have our opinions things that we don't like about ourselves or our race the only thing I said it was something about these disrespectful young men today how they talk about their mothers and how they wear their pants hanging off their ass and because I said that I don't like black people y'all have to remember we are in the domain of the devil on this Earth and his lies will always look like the truth BUT WE ALL KNOW THE DEVIL IS A LIAR
Barclay nailed it teach them (anyone) what success is. Define it. And don’t leave it until it’s defined. Its a crime if they move from where they are until they know it well enough to teach it themselves🙏 Teach them to know it do it live it.
The answer to the abortion problem, is quit having unprotected sex, and better yet, quit having sex when you are not prepared for having children. It is not right to place the burden of raising unwanted children on the rest of society.
Hey Charles Barkley. Black people are wrong "sometimes" ?? Duh ! I'm White and I love White people. I am proud of being "White". But I can rip apart White people and ALL the BS they do or support. Black people are likewise wrong a LOT of the times. The Black community is not where it is today in the US b/c Blacks can be wrong "sometimes".
I love and admire Black people who are like Officer Tatum. I wish they were the Blacks that were leading our governments at all levels. What Tatum is saying about the persecution he gets is true. I remember the O J Simpson trial. I forgot the name of the assistant prosecutor who was with Marcia Clark. He got absolute * from the Black community. I felt so sorry for him….and angry at the Black community. They should have been ashamed of themselves.
What is so hilarious is that when a black person is very smart or sucessful, they call them a sellout. Theyre acting white. Theyre not keeping it real. Black culture doesn't want their own race to succeed. Its like "the struggle" needs to stay put so we can keep complaining amd get handouts.
My 2 best friends are darker than I am…. When I introduce them I use their names. Do I say here is my black friend? No for crying out loud. He's my friend. Why Why Why does everything have to be about color. If my favorite color is green and yours is blue am I going to ostracize you because you don't think green is the right way to go. C,mon man. Look at me like you see a person. My skin color doesn't change that.
Choose Life! Become a $50 Monthly Donor or Make a One Time Donation of $250 and get a free Tatum Bus Angel t-shirt. Visit savethestorks.org/Tatum or CLICK HERE to Donate:
White guy looking in from the outside but who you gonna listen to the guy who can’t find his way out the ghetto or the guy with the flashlight
We can’t afford to raise children. Condoms are cheaper and moral
I love CHARLES!!!!!
I’m not for abortion. I, however, do believe that a safe abortion should be available within a certain time frame and certainly circumstances. God will judge not me. God could very well lead a person in that direction. No one knows. I don’t understand the objection to Plan B. Plan B is designed to stop a fertilized egg from attaching to a uterine wall. That’s before a heart beat. Most fertile eggs end up on a napkin anyway. If Plan B can stop a rape victim from having to ask for an abortion, why shouldn’t it they be able to pick that before stopping a heart.
I love Candace Owens even though she has said some crazy stuff about Jews and the assasination of JFK
Great conversation. There are people in power who want black people to stay ignorant. As a Puerto Rican man raised in the inner city (Newark, NJ) and a man of God, opening the border is international to keep black people from achieving greater.
Shannon has the money I don't
Whoopi is a Gatekeep and it's obvious!
I remember I had an opinion on my people and all hell broke loose, this guy I once was dating sad to me, you don't care about black people. That's a lie from the pits of hell where he came from. I am 100% black and I believe we all have our opinions things that we don't like about ourselves or our race the only thing I said it was something about these disrespectful young men today how they talk about their mothers and how they wear their pants hanging off their ass and because I said that I don't like black people y'all have to remember we are in the domain of the devil on this Earth and his lies will always look like the truth BUT WE ALL KNOW THE DEVIL IS A LIAR
Barclay nailed it teach them (anyone) what success is. Define it. And don’t leave it until it’s defined. Its a crime if they move from where they are until they know it well enough to teach it themselves🙏
Teach them to
know it
do it
live it.
No Candice always put down black culture.
@10:22 Gary Owens is the name comedian that you are referring to.
….. Walter Williams in that list
I like Charles Barkley, because he keeps it real whether you are black, white, hispanic, asian whatever ever race you are.
The answer to the abortion problem, is quit having unprotected sex, and better yet, quit having sex when you are not prepared for having children. It is not right to place the burden of raising unwanted children on the rest of society.
This nonsense happens to us Mexicans too
Barkley is a fraud. He talks a big game but in conclusion he’s still a slave hand on the Democrat plantation.
Shay Shay the BEST!
Hey Charles Barkley. Black people are wrong "sometimes" ?? Duh ! I'm White and I love White people. I am proud of being "White". But I can rip apart White people and ALL the BS they do or support. Black people are likewise wrong a LOT of the times. The Black community is not where it is today in the US b/c Blacks can be wrong "sometimes".
I love and admire Black people who are like Officer Tatum. I wish they were the Blacks that were leading our governments at all levels. What Tatum is saying about the persecution he gets is true. I remember the O J Simpson trial. I forgot the name of the assistant prosecutor who was with Marcia Clark. He got absolute * from the Black community. I felt so sorry for him….and angry at the Black community. They should have been ashamed of themselves.
great vid,, i love chuck good job TATUM…
What is so hilarious is that when a black person is very smart or sucessful, they call them a sellout. Theyre acting white. Theyre not keeping it real. Black culture doesn't want their own race to succeed. Its like "the struggle" needs to stay put so we can keep complaining amd get handouts.
My 2 best friends are darker than I am…. When I introduce them I use their names. Do I say here is my black friend? No for crying out loud. He's my friend. Why Why Why does everything have to be about color. If my favorite color is green and yours is blue am I going to ostracize you because you don't think green is the right way to go. C,mon man. Look at me like you see a person. My skin color doesn't change that.
Democrat party is the party of lies and deception.
Only leftist politicians and ideology marches for killing innocent children.
800,000 babies are murdered by democrats and ultra leftist a year.
I think they should have had trade schools in every school for in black communities. I know i'm off subject, but can you talk about it