BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Top Fauci Aid About ‘How To Make Emails Disappear’ Email
At today’s House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) questioned Dr. David Morens, Dr. Anthony …
At today’s House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) questioned Dr. David Morens, Dr. Anthony …
He's a pretty vulgar guy. He's totally corrupt.
These bastards are going to need security guards 24/7 for the rest of their lives.
Check his bank account!
Hillary deleted 33,000….. nothing happened
No wonder the dems hate MTG so much. She came with the smoke. They all belong in jail. And these people have the guts too claim Trump is a threat to our country
Look at that thumbnail. This one belongs in a "Watch People Dying Inside" reel.
Jail time should be coming for this guy soon.
Bimbo bimbo bimbo and bimbo is her name-o
What a bag!
He laughs and jokes about kickbacks after helping create and release a bioweapon. This guy is a Bond Villain if there ever was one.
Just amazing – and people still believe these lying C….
To have lost a family member or dear friend because of the gross incompetence, and frankly, pure evil in experimenting with viruses that can cause this type of devastation, AND THEN LAUGH ABOUT IT? It’s mind numbingly unconscionable and grotesque! There is no penalty worse enough to impose on these f’in monsters. There is no justice for these privileged sociopaths and that is an incurable outrage that millions of people will have to live with the rest of their lives.
She is such a simpleton. Her and Trump need to go ….
He goes under the jail for this
Uhm, that womans middle name is 'Failure', Forbes. Get it right next time.
Hillary's emails didn't disappear. Nothing in the digital world ever disappears. This is just another clown show performed by bought and paid for traitors on both sides.
They're responsible for millions of deaths and you'll never see a day in jail
This evil man knows nothing is going to happen to him and he's going to get a golden parachute
I love my blonde pitbull called margerie
Apart from the illegality of the fact.
EMAIL: I discovered how to delete compromising emails.
EMAIL: I deleted compromising emails.
……But it doesn't delete these emails. If this is the level of intelligence of the top people in the US government I think there is some slight problem in the personnel selection criteria.
They're not even smart enough to be crooks.
He doesn’t even seem embarrassed or ashamed of all the people they killed…. They truly don’t care , that’s the Communist/marxist /democrats for ya
Those scientists committed crimes against humanity and treason and aiding in the democrat’s election interference scam with the Covid-19 pandemic.
MTG isn't bad at this.
This guy must pay!!!
Thank u MTG! This is just pure EVIL PROPAGANDA AGAINST US! These people must go to prison! Attempted murder is what it is!!!!
Every joke he made put a comedic shell around the truth. He used sarcasm as a shield to hide these people's horrible activities.
Thank u MTG! This is just pure EVIL PROPAGANDA AGAINST US! These people must go to prison! Attempted murder is what it is
We just need to face facts! NIH LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. China is trying to kill us all.
Ducktor EmptyG
FOIA used to include private email when it involved sending or receiving government email ….. when did this change ?
It's a dangerous thing to be questioned by MTG, if you're a corrupt politician
She’s not perfect & extreme at some things but also one of the best & smartest.
Every day we learn about new corruption. This is insane and they should all be sent to prison!
Marjorie T. G. is my heart throb. Love how she feeds the Demoncats their own ''bull crap'' & they complain about how it doesn't taste good.
I wish we had her email!!!
BULLSIT stop it there! GEESUZ!
Did any Democrats show up and pretend to care about what they did to us?
Woman has "guts" most men fear to speak the truth. Drain the swamp of all those evil "pennywise" monsters. God bless marjorie.
The American government is the biggest crime syndicate on the planet.
Growing up these seats were always full of, so no pay!
Is it Hillary Clinton? ☠️☠️
That would be … Fauci Aide …in the headline.
I hope Im listening to the next Vice President
Does she have a point??? Regarding science?
Despicable! Every last one should be jailed, all licensure revoked!
It reads??? 😂
Did more then half in Congress have the day off?
Do WE THE PEOPLE dock their pay when they REFUSE TO SHOW UP FOR WORK?
Just remember folks the guys at the top are all alcoholics
This dude needs to spend the rest of his life in prison.
Its all so sad…pray people for sanity and truth..our Republic is not what the founders invisioned