Brandon “Officer Tatum” | The Deal w/ Nissim Black (Full Episode)

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41 thoughts on “Brandon “Officer Tatum” | The Deal w/ Nissim Black (Full Episode)

  1. Thomas Jefferson never said separation of church and state like they said. Somebody took some notes that he wrote and twisted it the way they wanted and came up with separation of church and state. What he was talking about was protecting the church against the state so it would not become like the church of England, where the churches are controlled like what you’re trying to do today.

  2. I was open to your format until it became apparent you carry water for white Supremists. This Officer Brandon as well. Dr Richey destroyed him in his pod cast. So you fled to Israel. Good riddance.

  3. Brandon so fake. First he was a delinquent smoking then he was a athletic scholar getting his hood tatted on him. All this to pose as the people you talk down on without ever being in their position or truly understanding why they're there. Came from a good home with both parents, kept a good head on his shoulders, and became a cop to help change the community. Yet you cause more divisiveness in your comments than Worldstar.

  4. Excellent points on the bullshit BLM and PlanParentHood, educational systems, violence between each other first is most definitely need to stop between us black folks, then the police needs more attention

  5. Officer Tatum spoke out against ex-cop Derek Chauvin killing George Floyd. I cannot understand why Officer Tatum has not spoken out against the incident of Kaufman County Deputy Conner Martin abusing a law-abiding recent high school graduate, Nekia Trigg, age 18., on July 27, 2021. Nekia was shown on the deputy's own body cam video walking on the sidewalk and obeying all laws. Conner threw her onto the ground and lay down on her for 5 full minutes, almost stopping her breathing. He would not even get off when a senior deputy came and touched Conner on his belt. Then the senior officer touched Conner on his shoulder. Then the senior deputy bent his head down close to Conner's head to tell him to get off, but Conner still did not get off. The innocent girl was gasping for air at 60 gasps per minute which medical doctors say is a sign of being near death. Conner had been pressing on the girl's neck for 2and one-half minutes before her mother arrived. Then he lifted up to yell at the mother. Conner was pressing so hard on her lungs and breathing muscles so that her lungs could not expand and take in air. He was pressing so hard on her stomach that he pressed the body fluids out and she vomited. since he was still holding her down on her back, medical doctors say she could have died from fluid going into her lungs .Conner justified his actions and his supervisors at the Kaufman Sheriff's Dept. justified this action by claiming that some still-unidentified caller had called 911 and said more than once that she saw a Black woman committing lawbreaking jaywalking to commit suicide and that the Black woman was wearing KHAKI PANTS. (She mentioned "khaki pants" more than once.) However, the videos clearly show Nekia was wearing WHITE SHORTS. I keep writing about the near death of Nekia because God says in the Bible to speak up for those ho are in danger of being put to death. I have been active in Right-to-Life groups since 1970 when New York State legalized killing of unborn babies.

  6. Brandon Tatum is no good and you are too if you support that fool. He recently made a survey on his page and asked "Should people be able to use the "N" Word?" of course it only showed what type of fanbase he has, 30% of his fans voted Yes, anyone can use it and it's free speech, 44% said I don't care. That alone says a lot smh.

  7. Nissim Black, talk about a journey.

    Very good on points about black lives matter, not the movement, Brandon. The loss of lives related to blacks murdering blacks and abortion in the black community are at a much higher number than white cop killing a black person or some white person killing a black person. The BLM movement should be screaming at the top of its lungs over those situations. Should that not be the outrage? Humans killing humans should be an outrage because that is in essence killing your own. Is killing within the some racial community greater or equal? We all need to come together as one and defeat those in government wanting to divide us. Together, we have power. Divided we will be conquered, if not by the enemy outside, the one within.

    The Democratic Party has always been about separation and segregation. That has been its primary goal aside from keeping minorities, especially the black community.

    Great video you guys, much appreciated. Keep on keeping on.

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