Bow Hunter Breaks Down Bow and Arrow Scenes from Movies & TV | GQ

Professional bow hunter Cameron Hanes breaks down famous bow and arrow scenes from film and television, including ‘Game of …


47 thoughts on “Bow Hunter Breaks Down Bow and Arrow Scenes from Movies & TV | GQ

  1. It's hilarious to me that people who use compound bows with sights, drop-away rests, and range finders take issue with crossbows. A compound bow with all the gear is closer to a crossbow than a bare bow recurve or longbow.

  2. Calling Cam Hanes just a “professional bow hunter” is like calling lebron James “decent at basketball”
    Dudes an animal and runs basically a marathon a day getting himself in shape for hunting season. Ultimate Human Predator
    Also shoots a 92 pound draw bow. 70 pound draw is considered pretty heavy so

  3. Can you donate that piece of WTF beautiful compound bow pack you got there!! It’s beautiful

    or at least throw me the name of it and the price so I can have dreams 😅

  4. Cam at GQ.I think „Hammering“ like Hanes and Goggins is now Mainstream.this man Runs one Marathon a Day and works Besides that.😳and now this Savage wearing Shirts and Made His hair for this 😅

  5. I found his comparison to the crossbow interesting. Stating that his bow/arrow has more energy than a crossbow/bolt, which is completely false. Cam shoots a bow with 90lb draw at ~300 feet per second. Your average crossbow is around 200lb draw with speeds over 400ft per second. Compounds bows arent even close to what a crossbow can do. Shoot both and youll see the difference in 1 shot.

  6. I wish someone explained to this guy that Ramsay Bolton is supposed to be an extremely talented archer, and was deliberately letting the kid get as close to Jon as possible, before killing him, which was why he looked away when firing that shot, he wasn’t really trying until that very last shot.

  7. I love this guy better than the other expert archers I’ve seen. They all criticize stuff for not being accurate but they never consider that these scenes are made to look cool, not to be realistic. Specially that Hawkeye scene. This guy understands that and I love it.

  8. As a self-proclaimed firearms enthusiast (I’ve fired a couple of guns in my lifetime), I have an undying respect for archery as an ancient art that should be kept alive. I’ve even fired a bow and that stuff take strength and skills. 🔫🏹

  9. Cam Hanes is my hero. He's so calm and comfortable in his skin. What you're seeing is a guy that just does the next 'right' thing, without question. He has no compromised character. He's a good person, he works hard, he knows it, and this allows him to be comfortable and laid back. This is the kind of man I strive to be 🙏🏻

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