Bold Shoplifter Gets Caught In the Act

Officers from the Greenfield, Wisconsin Police Department responded for a report of a stolen vehicle alert. Watch how they located this entitled woman and how she met instant karma in this arrest.

The content shown on this channel is meant to provide insight into the daily interactions law enforcement have with the public, both good and bad. All suspects are considered innocent until proven guilty.

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Music: Dirty Money by Soundridemusic
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#policevideo #cops #arrest #police #policecam #lawenforcement


43 thoughts on “Bold Shoplifter Gets Caught In the Act

  1. I wonder if all these Young people who make bad decisions like stealing. Car cliff realize since 2017. We been under a soft martial law. Be comes a felony. The liberal judges recently got fired. I believe 90 of them. They're gonna get some hard time. The stress they the police officers. I have to deal with.

  2. Hey PCL,, I subscribed awhile ago,I had to subscribe again, heads up, probaly not just me. I really like the videos,no voice interupptions!… This girl I hope got a wake up call,still young enough to change her life..

  3. Again, the complete retardation of intelligent thought seems to be prevalent with these serial shop lifters. They're in shit for shop lifting. They're in deep shit for running.

  4. Walking out of the store with STOLEN merchandise, was not the first time she did this. Then to put innocent people in danger with her fleeing was really infuriating! Hope she got some serious Prison time and lots of monetary penalties to pay for all the damage and plolice and hospital time and resources she wasted with her Nonsense!!

  5. 0e25 staccate la spina😅acconsentito alla eutanasia e allo spianto degli organi ma ha espresso una eccezione per quanto riguardo il suo cervello abnorme ad non essere toccato che fortuna 😅

  6. I've binge watched these criminal videos and i have to say i'm starting to see a pattern here…

    Once the society starts collectively noticing that same pattern, things will change for the better.
    What a huge burden on rest of the society these people are, and i do mean THESE people.

  7. The excuse of "I was ascurd," is old. They aren't scared of anything if they can walk out of a store with 800. in stolen items, they're not scared. They know they
    will have little to no consequences, that's why tgey keep on doing it.

  8. This POS, is not only a thief, but a fashion nightmare who wares cut up jean’s anymore. Needs as much jail time as possible cuz she will never be employable, not even to clean out sewer. Mr. President is now taken out the trash. Waste of my air.

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