BODYCAM: Allen police release video showing officer who shot and killed shooter
WARNING: The story contains details some may find disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.
Body camera footage of the Allen Premium Outlet mall mass shooting was released Wednesday after a grand jury no-billed the officer who shot and killed the shooter.
The Texas Rangers and the Collin County District Attorney’s Office presented the evidence to the grand jury. The grand jury’s no-bill means that after reviewing the evidence, they ruled the use of force was justified under Texas law.
Eight people were killed and several others were injured when a gunman opened fire at the Allen Premium Outlets on Saturday, May 6.
The body camera footage released Wednesday showed the tragic events from the officer’s perspective. The video was edited to blur out the faces of civilians and victims, and some language has been removed, Allen police said.
The video starts with the officer speaking to a mother and her two kids when more than 10 gunshots are heard off in the distance. The officer calls in the shots fired over the radio and another round of gunfire is heard. The officer grabs his weapon and tells shoppers to get down.
Welcome in amurderica, where every psycho can legally buy an assault riffle which is meant to be used in war.
looks like BLACK OPS 6 in real life
Thank you for your service Officer. The perp you neutralized is shooter, 33-year-old Mauricio Martinez Garcia, was a white supremacist with SS lightning bolts and a large swastika tattooed on his body. Three guns were found on the gunman's body; five more were recovered from his car. He had purchased all eight guns legally. What remains a joke is lots of people, Tim Pool and Elon Musk spread misinformation and disinformation of the shooter.
As an Australian, I'm astonished there aren't 1,000's of comments here about how crazy and unacceptable it is that Americans can't visit their local supermarket without fear of this occurring.
"im moving as fast as I can!"
* proceeds to walk the slowest walk i ever witnessed *
brutality of the police against the citizens and children must stop
The dog saw the police guy with a gun as a danger to the family. Dogs are not stupid, when they see an armed guy acting like an enemy going towards his family, that's a danger. The dog did the right thing from his point view. The dog would have never attack anyone because nobody else would be approaching his family with a gun. It's the police guy who destroyed the family and traumatized the children. It's the police officer's fault because he should have known better, unless he is a total idiot, and have no regards for the feelings of others. I would expect the police guy to use common sense and get back into the car and give the family time to response.
let’s not forget about the men who actually shoot up the school.Federal government and legislators.
why didn't he drive????
I got him bro. Is this cod?
Can't breathe
Uvalde PD. This is what u do!
Jogging to an active shooting situation and stopping the threat from a distance is better than sprinting beyond your respiratory/heart rate ability to an active shooter and missing every shot when you get there
Dude needs to treadmill, bro was out of breath running across the parking lot
I know this officer isn't doing anything near as brave as transitioning, but could I borrow the word "heroic" from Caitlyn Jenner to describe his actions?
Police officers really needs to make some exercise.
Did he forget he had a car
In that short amount of time from the 1st shots, the villain managed to take 8 lives despite a cop being on the scene. We must all carry a weapon.
Cops should be making more money than the top pro baseball players.
Soon there'll be a whole video just for the disclaimers before you ever get to see the actual video
That's a long way to go on foot. Carrying that equipment he's lucky aint having a heart attack.
If you have a weapon and the cop tells you to drop it and you do not God help you. But that's the only help you're going to get.
I didn't say the 3 shells were PLANTED, did I??????????
5 shells found to the right of the shooters body (where they should have been) and 3 more to the Left??? What, did the shooter throw them over there after he was killed??? They must think we are idiots!!!!