Black Sabbath – Changes (Lyrics)

This is the lyrics to the song Changes is from band Black Sabbath. This song Changes is from the album Vol 4. Black Sabbath …


31 thoughts on “Black Sabbath – Changes (Lyrics)

  1. My first concert was Ozzy! I went with my mom. Haha, I'll never forget it! Smoked a blunt in front of her for the first time and then we both went crowd surfing … haha my fucking pants fell down 😅 still makes me laugh!

    I even passed up on a sure thaang that night too… so I could party wit my momma

    I'm still so happy I chose to party wit my momz that day over getting laid… it wasn't until after her passing I realized I had lost the best friend I never knew I had

  2. I feel unhappy

    I feel so sad

    I lost the best friend

    That I ever had

    She was my woman

    I loved her so

    But it's too late now

    I've let her go

    I'm going through changes

    I'm going through changes

    We shared the years

    We shared each day

    In love together

    We found a way

    But soon the world

    Had its evil way

    My heart was blinded

    Love went astray

    I'm going through changes

    I'm going through changes

    It took so long

    To realize

    And I can still hear

    Her last goodbyes

    Now all my days

    Are filled with tears

    Wish I could go back

    And change these years

    I'm going through changes

    I'm going through changes

  3. My wife and I were once best friends. Then at about age 60, she decided she no longer wanted to be married. That was almost 11 years ago, and I still miss her. I can’t count the number of mornings I’ve awakened with her name in my mind and on my lips. I don’t see how I’ll ever be completely over her.

  4. When I need jesus he sent pedifles instead gods been raping peoples minds body's spirit n souls thats why Gods the devil was his brides first husband and still he uses people to preach lies jesus is as dead as my daughter Same Who malchesadeck

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