Black Pastor For Trump SCHOOLS Young Turks | Hilarious



46 thoughts on “Black Pastor For Trump SCHOOLS Young Turks | Hilarious

  1. Understand James ch.2.
    Believing and confessing Jesus, speaks of the right faith, but it can't save you if it's not a living faith acted out in obedience. You have to ask yourself, what proves you are His follower. Evidence of living faith is a must, otherwise you are deluding yourself (James 1:22). Please change your ways. Have you been in repentance and full awareness of the issues, baptized? It's not a game.

  2. TYT has already been moving their position for a while now. They know their ship is sinking and they do not plan in staying on board. One year ago this interview would have been hostile on their part.

  3. Woke is communisme in "green" and green is connected to woke but with unchanged communist agenda's, centrilizing big governments, never centrilize the peoples the only exploit. Plantationholder with huge whips to beat they're taxslaves onto they're exploitation fields and Tump is only taking away all the whips.m

  4. That reporter is also being very disingenuous to say CRT is isolated, when it is literally in all our television shows, all the songs, all the art, all over the news and tik tik.

  5. The Dems STILL acting like to be a Republican and Black is to be a c*** (you know the word) or to be an Uncle Tom or Uncle Ruckus! The biggest insult is to tell us we can’t see what’s right in front of our faces. And if there are racists in the Republican Party (Anne Coulter ahem), what’s the best way to get ‘em out?? Get more Black Americans IN that party!

  6. I don’t think the Republican Party should be home, but gotta leave the plantation cuz u gotta keep em both on their toes or they never do nothing for you! You can’t let this party or that party think they own anybody!

  7. Leftists always move the goalposts. First it was "no one is teaching CRT that's a right wing conspiracy", then it's "only a few people across the country is teaching CRT", and lastly it's "well actually here is why CRT is good and needs to be taught."

  8. They want more tax payers paying in. we all pay into social security and dieing before you can collect it because they poison all our foods with chemicals so we end up with all kinds of cancer. Just look into how high the levels of metals are up in our day to day in last 10yrs

  9. The way you belittled the real origins of woke is a sad case of trying too hard to get acceptance.Woke was when a black person gained knowledge of self,his history and who he is as his creator meant him to be.Being woke was not using the n word or calling our women bitches and hoez.Woke is having pride in your people,loving yourself and your people so you can love others..You played yourself terribly.You don't have to water everything down for white folks.

  10. This man did an AWESOME job. Especially considering this "journalist"…. instead of asking questions and reporting the answers, seems to be trying to DEBATE people. Is DEBATING the opinions of interviewees what "journalists" are supposed to do, or is it simply reporting on the views of the people being interviewed.

  11. This is putting America 1st.🇺🇸🫵🫵🫵👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👁️👁️✅💯

  12. I think the tyt guy was talking about the poem that was added to the Statue of Liberty in 1903 to honor a poet that helped raise money for the pedestal the Statue of Liberty stands on.

  13. Ok Fam I will put it to you this way.Once a long long long time ago when I was a teenager my current boyfriend at the time and I had a frmale friend in common.Now just to be Clear it was a platonic friendship both he and I had with her.Now you gotta know this girl was loose.And one day in private we were discussing our mutual concern for her well being.And he said something to me he said that he told her I have never forgot. And that sais a lot cause he can really be sn ass.He said he told her " you know what sweetheart, if ya let everyone call you sweetheart, pretty soon no bodys gonna wanna call you sweetheart anymore".

  14. Whatever happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me(physically). Life is not fair. You can't make it thru life relying on just your feelings. As far as us patriots , we got thick skin and turn our cheeks to ignorant people.

  15. White people were the original slaves. The first peoples to be slaves were the slavakians. That's what the word slave is derived from. It was about low class status. Look that and the Vikings up, they had white slaves as well

  16. The Statue of Liberty was a present from a French artist because no one else wanted it. Scribbles on a donated piece of art from someone outside of our country has nothing to do with our founding principles. That TYT microphone holder is just another mindless propogandist.

  17. "CRT is only happening in small isolated areas." That's testing the waters. If we let them get away with it there, they will expand it across all states in every school.

  18. My ancestors were slaves to the Vikings. They pillaged, burned houses, killed, stole and raped the women, and kept some for slaves. That is how I wounded up with Viking DNA.

  19. Who was the first AA female VP? Harris is half Indian and Jamaican… afro jamaican and african american is not even close to the same thing. It reminds me of people calling all Hispanic people “Spanish”… lazy and ignorant

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