Black Pastor Flawlessly Explains Why Americans Should Support Donald Trump And MAGA Republicans

black #pastor #american #donaldtrump #trump During an Interview From the Young Turks, A Black Pastor Gave An History …


30 thoughts on “Black Pastor Flawlessly Explains Why Americans Should Support Donald Trump And MAGA Republicans

  1. Can you believe that Biden put by force 7presidents,2vice president in Haiti in secret at 4am on 4/25/24,Against Haiti constitution and against the Haitian population rights to choose their own leader and they’re the same corrupt politicians that destroy Haiti and supplied guns to the gangs in order to take Haiti natural resources and they said Haiti is poor,shame shame

  2. I loved what my Christian brother said to the reporter. What I hope and pray for the body of Christ, and all who have not yet joined is that they consider the Truth; i.e., God's Word. Jesus says that He is The Truth, John 14:6. And, that there will be people, "from every tongue, tribe, people and nation",(Rev.7:9)around the throne of God when all of this-this age-shall end. Thank You Lord. Thank You Jesus!!

  3. Love what this pastor had to share! He speak at the truth! And sir, I’m glad you did some research. Thank you thank you for doing that. I’m glad you came over to the side that is sane and calm and stands on the side of God, I have never seen, ever in my life and I’m older, a group of people called the Democratic Party who despise anything that God stands for. I believe most of them are demonically influenced. We need to pray for them and it’s gonna be hard, but we still need to do it.

  4. This interviewer is an idiot. He’s trying to make it sound like all the awful things going on in this country are just going on in a couple places so why are we making a big deal out of it. A couple places! It’s everywhere.

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