
49 thoughts on “BLACK CULTURE IS TRASH. Here’s Why

  1. Government did fix it and still is because the black communities don’t know how to And when ya get a decent black person in a posistion it’s always a matter of time now before they go bad. Just look at it!! It’s in their blood.

  2. The leftist have done everything in their power to keep the knowledge of Thomas Sowell genius, and truth, hidden from the US populace, but especially folks of color. If that doesn't piss you off? Turn from the lying evil of the left. Refused to spend another day on the spiritual and mental plantation constructed by the left.

  3. With the education that we have now and what we have seen over the years. I think common sense have to kick in at some point. We black folks over complicated. Just be honest about myself we don't want nobody to tell us what to do🤔🇺🇸

  4. When i was a teenager my parents told me if i got pregnant don't bother coming home. People may think thats cruel but it instilled a fear that kept me from getting in that position. No parents just suck it up and raise there grandkids. I believe kids should have fear of consequences. And they need to respect their bodies and think of their future.

  5. Just wait til rap songs start talking about getting jobs, paying bills, treating people right then maybe we’ll see some of that change Obama talked about

  6. That's not "Black Culture". That's the promotion of what evil desires our culture to be! "We can't curse them but we can get them to curse themselves." 🍃⚖️🙏🏾⚖️🍃

  7. Lyndon Johnson had to shut up the liberals and the blacks of that time. All to appease victim consciousness. The good news is that the puss is surfacing and all the political decision from the 60's are being balanced and corrected now. The government tried to shut a movement down by agreeing that they were less than and victims. All cultures have been victimized by humans through the ages. Black people are no different. As all of my family was murdered by Turks in the Armenian Genocide.. and my grandmother lived eating out of trash.well here I to say do not be a victim to any human saga or drama…love your God for it is Jesus Christ and know there is more than this world.

  8. Read the report, " Rushton and Jepson a 30 year study on race and iq". I live in Jamaica for over 10 years and have been traveling there for 50 years. This study is 100% accurate. Remember an IQ test really only measures speed of thought not how much data pumped into your head. Successful people are the ones who want to learn and get educated then mix that with a good hard work ethic.

  9. Thomas Sowell is a scholar and a gentleman. I love his enquiring mind, the way he looks into what other people accept as normal, he searches for the reality behind what others insist is the truth – he is a facts and figures man. Sadly most of his own people speak abusively of this great man when he speaks historical truth to them and because they are so steeped in a delusional egotistical culture they cannot stand to hear the real truth – that they are victims of only themselves.
    All people need to hear and understand their historical origins and behaviours to be good descendants, to honour their past and form a good future. Regards.

  10. I think folks take a minuscule piece of modern music and calling that black culture, so what happen to all those great music we have made. See I went to school in the bronx in the 8ties W.H.Taft too be exact that music came out of some of the circumstances designed by some wickedly wise people ie from the 6ties through the 2 thousands

  11. Thomas Sowell is a tremendous researcher and a brilliant economist.

    What he says about Southern redneck and Black culture coming from a poor part of England is shockingly true. That is where "Aks" instead of ask comes from.

    His book, "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" goes into a lot of this.

    Back in 1992 I was fortunate to have interviewed the late, great Walter E. Williams for a freelance article I wrote. He was gracious and kind despite my poor interviewing skills.

    It's hard not to notice that the legacy media has steadfastly ignored both Dr. Sowell and Professor Williams.

    That's because no one in this media could match wits with either of them.

  12. I have been so happy to see so many black people going to the trouble to find out that what they have been told is at a best marginally true and often taken out of context. And to also have the courage to speak out against the tide of their less independent peers. That is character!

  13. You can talk all you want but are you going there and teaching and training the how to discipline their life I've been in prison only the veterans are displine but the Muslim are changing some blacks except the teach whites are the problem not that they are the problem

  14. The blacks want to be gangster like the God father but the difference between the black and the Italian is the Italians are family minded but not the black men the black men act like kids they have no discipline no education and no value in their life's they need mentors to help cultivate them into being men not boys thee White men are becoming like them as well as the Mexican but the Asia men aren't to change the black minds he must be trained by the black men l believe the christian forsake the old ways that why Islam is better because the have displine send them to the military or start a military type school or club in every community where blacks are shooting and killing give them displine and education to become men along with good orderly direction and God principles

  15. Unfortunately, black Americans have had some of the worst leaders any people ever had. The race hustlers who are seen as intellectuals today are to blame for the chaos that we are experiencing. Very few people even know who Thomas Sowell is, but everyone knows who Al Sharpton is. This is the problem.

  16. They were not getting street cred in Germany for going to prison instead of college. In America, a young black man gets an academic scholarship he is just a soft ass mommas boy. However, that same young black man goes to prison for three years, he is THE MAN when he gets out

  17. I don't think there's an actual black culture to begin with any more than there is a white culture.
    for instance white people in California are culturally different then white people from Georgia, who are different then white people in Texas who are different from white people in New York and so on and so on.
    However there are certainly people out there who try to make as if black folks are all the same and all have the same basic upbringing and social experiences.
    Now with social media the hype of this 1 black America is becoming more of a reality, however it still isn't really a truth but more of a brain washing.

    Inner city folks have a different culture than people from the suburbs, which is still different from rural (or country folks) culture.
    Then there's the rich, the so called "middle class", and the poor in each.

  18. Folks, I know many unlearned folks who said at the beginning of gangster rap it is not good. Sowell isn't saying anything most black didn't see coming.

  19. One of the most frightening things one might ever hear is I am from the government and I am here to help. This is more so now a days because the only time they do it is when they are up for reelection and they need votes, before ever voting for someone always look to what they have voted for and against if it is a politician who is looking for reelection and listen closely to the words chosen by those who are new to politics. Do not give your vote for those who promise to much because they might fail and leave you paying the bills for their failure.

  20. The commentator himself shows what black culture has done even in his speech… I have watched game show network and saw contestance from the early seventies who were black who did not quote sound black….if l call a help center l can tell immediately if the person is black or talking about culture hispanic. Where did ask become axe? Or police become the poo poo or pooo lease..or everyone a bro?

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