Best Judo Ippons of 2019 (柔道 2019)

2019 is in the books and it’s that time to sum up best Judo throws of the year, so sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy some of …


48 thoughts on “Best Judo Ippons of 2019 (柔道 2019)

  1. Shew…I'm an old man now with a messed up heart…but watching this has made me wish I had carried on with judo and amateur wrestling after school days were over.I was a gentle skinny kid and judo helped me soon put school bullies on their place with gentle but firm throws and holds.My favorite was the hip throw and on the ground it was the scarf hold.Sometimes the guy I had pinned would try smash me in the face or go for my eyes in scarf hold and then I would fold his right arm over and lock it with my neck and crank up the pressure…my skinny arms always hurt them and they would give up…I always allowed them to walk away…dignity intact but respect stamped on future interactions.The balance I learnt and the mechanics of the opponents body and the need to step in close and sometimes to read eyes or feet when further apart always stood me in good stead.Boxing and mma should be banned as "sports" they do terrible damage to people's bodies and are quite horrific.Wrestling and judo are still very masculine and at the same time noble sports .I would reccomend them as a character building for your children.

  2. 10:33 ippon soei nage, me emocionei, ganhei medalha 🏅 de ouro com esse golpe, sendo faixa cinza, contra um amarelo quando tinha uns 9 anos de idade, hoje com 27 irei retornar para o meu antigo e amigo mestre hoje para uma aula, inspiração não falta agora 💪

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