Best Exercises for Strength

It may seem appealing to make your workout routine more complicated – but does more complicated mean more effective?


37 thoughts on “Best Exercises for Strength

  1. Good vid! I train my whole body at each workout; training only 2 times a week. I do one set of each exercise to absolute failure, usually amounting to 6 or 7 sets in total. Each workout takes approximately 20 minutes. I go very hard and keep rests between exercises to a minimum; about 5 seconds. I'm 63 years old and used to compete in power lifting during the 80s. Was not the best choice I ever made. Both knees and a hip are nearly devoid of cartilage, but I keep going. Only now, I'm training the way I should've been training all those years ago. I much prefer the pre-exhaustion method on nearly all my exercises. Very intense.

  2. Here's a hard and complicated one but if you can learn it with good form can be extremely effective which is the snatch and power clean and jerk

    I recommend learning these if you want to have good mobility while having great strength

  3. What do you do if you have a low back issues. Makes squat and deadlifts more difficult and limited. Theres only so much weight I can do with either before my back starts giving out. Legs press doesnt hit the same as squat. And neither does back extensions. Which I used to do in my 20s.

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