Best Evidence of Life After Death

Today’s incredible new video defies science and explanation, yet there is no mistaking a common thread across all accounts after …


44 thoughts on “Best Evidence of Life After Death

  1. so if it is a real thing, why doesnt every person experience it? we all have parents, most of us live long enough to see them pass. how come this only happens to some people?
    also , i have had dreams about my parents – my siblings – my friends. So has probably every person on earth. Now it makes sense that on 'some' of these occassions, the person being dreamt about happens do die the next day. those are the stories remembered. nobody remembers the billions of dreams people had about someone they knew, and they DID NOT die the next day.

  2. I wasn't gonna share this but I actually left my body and saw my body and soul, I had my arms out and left my room through the window and it was daytime, then I was in space and saw Jesus's face formed by stars and I asked him telepathically if I could hug him I turned my head and I was back in room I looked to the corner of room and there was someone who looked like the death riper and I woke up

  3. I lost my Dad 2 nights after I dreamt about him watching tv with me in our living room. There was no actual conversation, but somehow I knew he was telling me that he's gonna be okay. At the time of my dream, I didn't know why that happened. I didn't think too much of it. I still believe it was his way of saying goodbye. I read from some NDE stories that they don't have a sense of time during their experience. If that is the case, then it might be possible that someone can pass away at a alter time, but be able to visit your consciousness in the present.

  4. shared death experience. when I was 6 my brother passed. I was at marine world watching the whale show at summer camp when it happened. suddenly I got a really sinking feeling. only explainable as a black feeling in my stomach. 5 mins later. Arron came down the bleachers to take me home mid show. its been 30 years. I still remember his smell. the way he'd call for mom. man…

  5. A couple days before my dad died, I had a dream in which my dad died and he was comforting me and that everything would be okay. I kept crying and I woke up and didn’t tell anyone in fear it might happen, after that i kept experiencing the same stuff until I got the news my dad passed

  6. My grandfather, had dialysis. my cousin helped him everyday by driving him to the hospital, after he came back after his session. my cousin said, see you tomorrow uncle. but my grandfather said, no. i won't be present tomorrow, goodbye son. and thank you for taking care of me. we all were concerned but he was perfectly healthy so we thought he must've felt some weird feelings such as sixth sence. my cousin said,
    don't be silly, ofc I'll see u tomorrow uncle, he hugged him and left. a few hours later.
    my grandfather passed away..
    he was perfectly fine when he said those words, still left us wondering of how that is possible. He predicted his death

  7. Yeh, I dreamt of my grandfather the night before he died the next day.. in my dream he never spoke a word we played cards and after he gave me a handshake (a sort of thing he was known for) it was super normal and warming.. but i KNEW what he was communicating to me without speaking..

  8. I was very afraid of death because I was unsure of what would happen to me after I died until I met Jesus in 2013. I know longer fear death because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am going to Heaven when I die.

  9. Today is my last day..I want to give up my life…i don't know why I should but …. just because of that one girl I have loved the most…..just mentally I'm dead … Now I want to…. good bye world good bye my family n everyone who loved me … thank you for everything…..and sorry I couldn't motivate myself….I'm really a loser for everyone who has read this comment…. thank you….if after death I rebirth then i will reply to everyone….just skipping this matrix…⚰️☺️💐❤️‍🩹💕

  10. Same as before we were born, same as oir awareness drops during sleep or during medical anaesthetic procedures. Same applies at departure the 3 dimensional consciousness can't be zeroxed to imaginary world as that is still an imagination made at this platform

  11. This experience isn't shared death it is just the feeling empathy and internalized at almost an industrial level. Like how evolution works and we learn to live longer from mistakes made by other member of our species that died. I think this is opposite of how people learn (usually following good example and repeat) reminds me more of how a dog learn to chase squirrels when they are sleeping.

    The experience is just overwhelming empathy combined with the fear of death itself.

    If factual why is the book of enoch held as actual events and not just the first near death experience.

    If anything i think life flashing before eyes when near death is scientifically plausible. Like a paintbrush that dries and wet paint runs from bristle – might be the neurons that recorded each experience slowly fading into off and this experience might be perceived relative to the individual. So like everyone always will have this memory switch to off and how long the experience seems to take might be specific to the individual.

    Maybe even to a perfect 1:1 ratio and within the fraction of a second someone is pronounced dead – might have already relived there own life again and are at home where they belong before the moment is even over.

    Because special relativity. Like orbiting a black hole and calling someone on earth and time perceived at different rates. Maybe this happens too in the very last moments and how afterlife might be possible.

  12. The only near death experiences that make no sense is when an actual religious figure is there. Whatever we are, whatever this is, we have zero clue and thats a fact. 99.9 percent chance every religion is wroy. But, there should be something because this is not a simple one and done, we are incredibly special for sure.

  13. My wife saw her father coming to her in dream. He was disfigured. She woke up crying.
    After one hour she received a call from her sister, her father died. No One expect him to die.
    We were totally amazed!

  14. i 've been to death, it was so amazing you if you had a choice you would stay, when you leave your body completely you join and become this undescribable wonderful vibe of energy and joy connected to the universe and every other being on that plane, gotta have no unforgiveness or hate in your heart when you die though,

  15. When my grandma died, she had a deathbed vision. She kept whispering "%her husband's name%" and hugging something for about 5 minutes (presumably her dead husband). RIP grandma

  16. honestly if you fear death, the best way to get rid of it, is to just accept it, accept that its gonna happen to all of us one day and we can do anything about it, it will happen to your family to your neighbors, boss, coworkers and you, death is basically a endless sleep without dreams, we wont be sad or happy or mad when we die, just peace and nothing.

  17. I think the most beautiful theory on the afterlife come from quantum mechanics and says basically you become part of the fabric of the universe. I don't know what happens but this sounds good to me.

  18. Well here’s the thing, if there’s no afterlife and you just cease to exist. I wouldn’t be there to care. If there is an afterlife and it’s eternal, eventually I would run out of things to do no matter how many things there is to do. The concept of death is scary no matter what beliefs you have.

  19. These comments not only make me sad, but above all sorry

    Man is the only animal so selfish as to invent the dream of "life after death".

    Consciousness coincides with the brain, and at the moment of death, it ceases to exist with us;it's only the survival instinct that leads you to fabricate these fantasies

    No animal (including us) could never come back to life.

    And any "religion" (there are more than 5000 of them), weakens us because it delegates our potential to thousands of different gods who have never shown themselves only once.

    Nature is ruthless and is based on efficiency and does not give discounts to anyone.

    This is the only truth.

    The Holocaust or Covid are small examples, there are thousands of more explanatory ones.

    I feel so sorry for you, unaware people who invent gods and statues to fool yourself into not seeing.

    Because those who don't know how to go even a little further than their nose, making things up that are convenient for them and which go against common sense, are capable of the most monstrous things possible, in any field.

    Before you were born you were dead, the exact same and precise thing happens when you die, and it will be forever.

    And you are so miserable that you invent a life after death even for your pets (while you eat the other animals) which you call "the bridge".

    I wish you to wake up as soon as possible instead of making up nonsenses and give meaning to your short lives before the black scythe wipes you out forever and nothing will remain

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