Based Senator Kennedy EXPOSES Biden Judge Nominee And This Happened…

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36 thoughts on “Based Senator Kennedy EXPOSES Biden Judge Nominee And This Happened…

  1. I know for a fact that the first line of form 4473 is… Are you a legal citizen of the United States? This is the form that gun stores use to vet Americans. After you answer a bunch more questions, they call and run your SSN and DOB through the FBI database. You are either approved or denied. How can you get that verification with no SSN?

  2. I respectfully disagree. The rights listed on the bill of rights are for people. Inalienable human rights. It doesn’t say unless you didn’t do paperwork.

  3. 1:10 just like abortion, everyone who is for it is already born and I want you to take that same thinking to recognize everyone who advocates for gun rights and or so-called taking away those rights. One has never shot a gun too, has never had a defend themselves with a gun and three probably the most interaction that they've ever had with guns is movies and the news

  4. 💯 💯 💯. If it wasn't recorded, you would not believe all of this foolishness that we are seeing. In the end, there is comfort knowing that these evil folks will all see one day that their so-called evil truth is a fairy tale.

  5. I'm so tired about Republicans blaming Joe Biden. It isn't Biden, it's the Democratic Party. They are the Radicals that have created the mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I would love to join your channel and get some of your shirts and sweaters Devin, but i just dont got the money. Your doing an awesome job with what your doing preaching Jesus Christ our lord and savior and showing and telling people about the insane leftist woke swampy liberal lunatics running the government. Keep doing what your doing my fellow brother in christ and patriotic american.

  7. See, that's where you're wrong, hoss. The constitution doesn't state that it only protects the rights of US citizens. These rights are human rights, given to us by God. The constitution is there only to keep the government from infringing upon them. To deny anyone these rights would be in unpatriotic and un-American.

    What you knobs are also missing is the precedent that this sets forth. Think about it… In order to buy a gun from an FFL, you need a federal ID so they can run 4473. How can an illegal immigrant buy a gun thru that means then? You'd have to remove 4473s. The other option is they buy it thru a private party sale. Since they haven't beem deemed a prohibited person, this would be a legal sale. Under this new ruling, implementing a universal background system would then deny an illegal immigrant a way to purchase privately. They are setting the groundwork to dismantle the entire gun control system as a whole.

    Now, I know a lot of you conservatives hate that idea bc you're not as pro-2A as you'd like everyone to think you are, but the rest of us real ones are loving it.

  8. I have 1 serious question.
    Does a president have the authority to give citizenship to anyone they want?
    If a president can't be charged while in office. Then what laws are the president breaking by bringing in illegal aliens?
    If you are in charge of the law to which we all know are just man made , made up crap to keep people in line and enslaved how can you break it?
    And if you believe the president is breaking laws and all his underlings are going along with it.
    Wouldn't that be a tyranny?
    And isn't the constitution very clear on the answer for tyranny?

    Are you waiting for the government to give you permission to use your "God given" rights to protect said rights, your freedoms, your country and your futures?

    Joe Biden broke the law all Demonrats are tyrants.
    We all know it. Great.
    Now what?
    Vote in a process that's rigged?
    Play the democratic game in a constitutional Republic with a bunch of republican NPC's?
    What exactly are going to do about it? Vote in Trump?
    Then what?
    Is he physically going to go around and arrest people? No he isn't. So nothing will happen but me tyrannical laws against us. This time the military will be allowed to be deployed in side the USA without declaration ie without congressional approval.
    That's what Trump is going to do

  9. Ever wonder why things don't change and only get worse no matter who we elect? The system is owned by private global bankers who come from lineages of families that have manipulated the currencies of countries for hundreds of years. They are the ones in control and they own the government, the media, the corporations, and the halls of academia. Their goal is a one-world government and global depopulation in the name of saving the environment. Now you know who their allegiance is to as the Bible says he is the prince of the power of the air and the ruler over this world.

  10. I really enjoy your channel, but you need to RE READ YOUR BIBLE. It’s NOT the end time YET, certain things need to happen BEFORE the end time. I think this is a pre-curser & a taste of what the End Time may start like and escalate from there. This is my opinion only.

  11. As they say, you can't make this up! Males are telling females what it means to be a woman. Females, with little to no skin in the game, are validating delusions and saying males can be females if they magically imagine themselves to be what the Creator did not create them to be. Now, we have this one, a person who admits to having with absolutely no experience or knowledge about weapons, telling legitimate gun owners what they should choose to defend themselves with.?! And she admits she never wrote (probably never read) what she signed into evidence.?! Do we entrust this person with the laws of our land when she has shown she can be used to make policy for others without doing her due diligence on the subject.?! I think not.

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