BART VS GEO GROCERY SECRETS FOR LOSING WEIGHT Crew: – Justin Vaseur – – Nadeem Hamidy …
source Crew: – Justin Vaseur – – Nadeem Hamidy …
hello i wanna ask like why yall dont count sugars too! thank u!
My go to is 1/2 cup of egg whites 1 or 2 whole eggs some some bell peppers and cholula. If you want a little more fat throw some avocado in there.
No veggies? C'mon guys…
9:07…. The bread just jumped off the shelf. Literally no one touched it for like at least 20 seconds 👀!
Honest question. What’s with the avoidance of fat? I understand high protein and moderate carbs. From my understanding, healthy fats are good for you and you shouldn’t really be concerned with low fat.
No mention of sugar, healthy Vs unhealthy fat sources. This diet doesn't look after your brain or your heart. A nutritionist going through their weight loss meal plans and adjusting them would make a good episode. Y'all need to be role models for healthy lifestyles, not turkey dinosaurs, heart problems and sugar addictions
Good video but seems like they don't put enough emphasis on the thing that actually produces fat loss, Calories. Doesn't matter if you're eating zero fat if you get into a calorie surplus with carbs and protein.
okay but who saw that ghost bread ._. 9:05
Wow Quest chips are so expensive in Canada, it's literally 32.99$ (25 USD) for a pack of 8
Do you guys not check to see what the ingredients are in what you’re eating, or just caring about the fats and protein?
its weird but I love cooking with sugar free maple syrup
4 11 oz premier protein shakes a day usually 160 cal 30 grams of protien and jam packed with like 24 vitamins and minerals and my daily flinstones gummies
For the average person trying to lose weight. At the end of the day, it's calories in and calories out. You don't have to worry too much about fat. Try to avoid saturated fats though. Otherwise just worry about the calories.
Cheeseless quesadilla ftw. No one can refute the bff status of the 2. Lol
Geo's eating style fits me more, I thought her section was super helpful
Some paranormal activity going on at 9:07
I’m definitely taking notes the next time I go grocery shopping!! Thanks for sharing ❤️
9:02 shout-out to the ghost that wanted to make some bread
What's the reasoning behind the fat intake? Is it just the recommended fat amount for your respective weights? I usually just ignore fats, try to hit a calorie and protein goal, and try to eat a decent amount of vegetables. Should I be paying more attention to fats?
been a fan of y’all for years now❤️ team Geo on this challenge tho! 🤣
Who saw 2 bagel bags fall down LMAO
Lol the bread or buns behind Geo possesed and falling down!
Let’s go BART !!! I’m here but i already love you guys haha you guys are freakin comedy
9:05 / 24:36 Ghost?? bred fell down
Bart holding the camera with his penis is real commitment
Isn't low fat high in sugar?
I'll still watch your videos but the commercials be annoying!
Not me screaming at Geo when she's buying milk cause the Kroger carbmaster milk is right behind her 😂
The way the fridge moaned as Geo opens the door had me dying HAHAHHAA 11:32
I know your fats are low but blackberries, plain greek yogurt, 10 grams of protein powder, 1/2 serving of PB or PB2 paste tastes like a PB/J and high protein. It's gotten me through some tough times
I love the way Geo shops, cause I'm definitely more of a snacker.
Try black pink jennie diet. Avacados, reduced salt, eggs, salmon, veges. You'll lose a lot of weight.
They're just parroting what someone else put together for them as a plan & talking about it like they did it (and selling coaching?) Geo's macros don't even add up to the Calories she said…
Maybe if she mis-spoke and it's 165P, 165C, 40F…
Why’s Bart focused so much on fat instead of calories?
You guys should try putting cottage cheese or pb fit into y'all diet. With cottage cheese you can mix it with protein powder and pb fit.
Team Geo
What about sugar? Around how many gs should I be shooting for daily? I don't eat or consume things with added sugar like soda or gatorade or ice cream etc but I will have like an apple and a banana or a similar amount of fruit every day so im not against sugar – but how wary should i be? Like Bart getting yogurt with 11 g of sugar (i think) i would never get because it seems like way too much sugar – but is that okay? I'm new to all this so I'm wondering! Btw I am around 164 lbs and a 6 ft male
Thank goodness none of ya'll cancelled them for buying fairlife milk 😭
For ur sweet tooth maybe sum sugar free jello? I think it’s like 0-5 calories
One of the best ways to satisfy a sweet tooth during a cut, especially during the summer, has got to be protein ice cream
Chris Lavado's "Crackhead hours" is an OG classic.
Sugar-Free Jello is the KING of VOLUME and low-sodium pickles. #teamgeo let's go!!
I love using dressings to keep the food interesting and tasting different when I'm unmotivated. One of my fav combos is Cole slaw dressing mixed with honey 🍯!! GOES SOOO GOOD CHICKEN 😐
She said 7up, whole holding up sprite, up yours Geo -CocaCola Company
honestly stopped watching after Bart because the lady had fucked up hands and I dont trust people telling me what to put in my body when they do that shit to themselves lol
Im new to the gym and dieting so rhese videos are really useful. Quick question if anybody knows , would help a lot. Why is she looking for 2:1 fat and protein ratio in food. And lastly does sugar not matter in the food aslong as protein and fats or good foe your macros. I noticed she got beef jerky and rhat has sugar. Thanks!
What is this? Guys Grocery Games fitness edition
Geo is gona curse my ass to hell😅,but Bart seems more disciplined in his food choises
Seems very focused on the fat and protein on every item for losing weight but not talking about carbs and sugars at all. This may definitely work for people who already have a low sugar and carb diet with lots of exercise but speaking from personal experience, cutting out fat does not help with losing weight. I lost the most weight when I ate tons of animal fat but cut out all the carbs and sugar regardless of whether it was from soft drinks or even fruits. I'm not trying to say everyone should do this but emphasizing on fat for weight loss seems misleading. None the less bart and geo are going to smash their goals because they are athletic at the same time