Bane Training: How to Train Body and Mind in Confinement

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48 thoughts on “Bane Training: How to Train Body and Mind in Confinement

  1. I love listening to people who have never done something talk about it.
    The truth is the matter us yiubcan only build so much muscle with body weight. You fet to a certain size and stay there, after tgat you gain muscle maturity and muscle endurance.
    You wont gain any power from static training as well. Muscle requires ramge if motion to grow. I keep hearing science this and science that these days, but we told people this decades ago through trail and error. You can build the ability to hold the strengh you have or explode through a push, but growing is linked purely to challenging the muscke against greater and greater loads , and with body weight, sooner or later you get to the point no matter what you do, its not a challenge anymore.
    I was incarcerated for 14 years, i trained wuth the best if the best in bodyweight training, men who were chiseled from pure pain, anger, and control. Tgese men spent a lifetime training to be what they were, and it was amazing. I becane truly cut and solid in away i never dreamed of, but after so many years i hit a wall, and no matter hiw hard or ling i trained, my body no linger changed, it couldnt, i had peeked in my natural physical limitations. The body adapts overtime, and tgen it becomes a task just to maintain the build, puahups , dips, squat , bodyweight in general had become easy, it would take me hundreds of oushups to reach a pump, i could hang from a bar, uosude down, rock side to side, anything i coukd dream up for sets i wont even sat because youbwoukdnt believe me and i wasnt even as good as some others.
    Then i was transferred to another prison, i had beco.e a model inmate, finsuhed prograns and school, as i was still very young, and i was introduced to weights. Within a few months i grew monstrously. The new stimulus allowed me to train for shorter periods of time, achieving failure , and giving me tome to rest and nit burning as many calories , the muscle i gained within a year was insane. Doing bodyweight for years had given me a foundation and amazing bkood flow, which all made gaining muscle fast and easy. I continue 25 years kater to do calisthenics, and lift, but i assure you, for a build like the people stated here isnt possible wuthout extra calories , and in toms case, steriods, in the period of time he had.He absolutely took dbol to blow up for bane, and test for Bronson.
    I am a fan of Tom, but i have also been in fitness and training my whole life, i train people now, and what he says does hold water. I get it, hes a star and he cant say tgese things out loud, but its still the truth.
    People in lriosn without weights use bags kf water, curled mattresses, and anything ekse they can get, especially mop handles as pull up bars. Also, prison is a very high stress environment, its live or die, men train harder then anywhere else in the world, they have to be ready for anything and everything. You can not natch the build they have oitside of there, it js like being on steriods , hormones arw spiked well beyond a normal man, i mean legitimately over 900 nano grams per ml, which is the same amount bodybuilders use to get huge. That allows them to get huge despote bad diets and hard life styles.

  2. Yeah i could agree bodyweight is well. When i goes 50 to 80 in 3 weeks it feels like im 50 kgs but with 7.5kgs dumbell on my limbs for early 2 months. U ll accostumized after 2 months and its time to add more weight. Too bad i dont have enough money to support my meals to attain more than 130. Not yet.

  3. Your videos break so many performance codes. No playplay. 💪😎 Trachtenberg was a mathematician who held on to sanity by retreating to an inner world of mathematics and created the Trachtenberg Method of Speed Mathematics. He survived! I obsessed over him when in middle school.

  4. Charlie Bronson was strong but lifting a snooker table? that's nearly 3,000 pounds, I don't believe that at all, he may have lifted a corner of the table off the ground which is a different story but lifting would mean basically lifting it overhead.

  5. I'm in a prison cell. Been for a long time now. I've gone into deep places both mentally and physically. I've become stronger than I could have ever imagined. No better place to build your mental strength. But you've got to steer your mind in the right direction. I've seen this place destroy lesser men.

  6. It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is our workout plan! No one care who I was until I put on the mass. Yes…the mass rises. Oh you think mass is your ally. You nearly adopted the mass. I was born in it. Molded by it. I am the gyms reckoning

  7. The body can only be trained for so long throughout the day but our minds, can be trained for every minute of the day. The hardest part is taking your mind off of auto pilot.(controlling your thoughts)

  8. You may have questioned Dr robotnik workout advice but keep in mind that guy is able to outrun an angry sonic hedgehog going faster than speed of sound if not faster then light speed when he almost nearly killed his friend he was forced to run on foot and outruns sonic long enough for sonic to pass out and escape for his life.

  9. If you play enough chess you know that blindfold chess is a skill you develop naturally as you get a lot better at chess. You have to spend so much time playing, your brain adapts to encode information about chess more efficiently. It's probably similar to how pro chess players can often recognize positions from games they played years ago[1]. But it doesn't mean chess players have better memory for anything besides chess.


  10. Isn't it the otherwise around? Fast twich muscle fibres get engaged first and fatigue first ysing the creatine phosphate and then as those fatigue the slow ones that can't lift as much bus use anaerobic system have to take over more ….?

  11. I never realized how important mine to muscle connection is until after watching you. Bravo sir. I am now making gains because I can separate my muscle groups and link them to my mind. Thank you.

  12. I definitely agree with your opinion about Mike Tyson. When he came out of prison his legs had surpassed his upper body. I thought I was the only person that noticed that but I am glad to hear you say it.

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