Back Pain Relief Exercises: Discovering the Root Cause.
Does the body function in isolation? No the body functions in a unit and when looking at back pain we must connect the body.
Does the body function in isolation? No the body functions in a unit and when looking at back pain we must connect the body.
Hey ya'll this is obviously a more "natural" way to solve back pain. It's tricky to talk about pain because different things effect different people. There's methods that work for some, that don't do a thing for others. Some may be placebo, some is stress induced, some is a quick fix but not a long term solution, etc. I really believe if we put some time into the basic human patterns we learned as kids the body comes back into alignment quite well. Rather than trying to "fix" your body think of it as remembering how to move. I also love these movements because they are relatively "low risk". If something does cause more pain then simply stop doing it and do the movements that don't cause pain. If you are having some back, hip, shoulder pain.. or just feeling disconnected I'd recommend using this routine 2-3x a week for a month. After the month assess how you feel. I hope you'll be feeling better but if not then keep exploring different modalities. We are all quite different, and sometimes you have to search for awhile to find the right thing to "click". Wishing y'all the best in your journey's. Function over Fix 🙂
You are a genious 🧞♂
Awesome videos
Great content – thank you
Skin the cats on the rings are the king as well
Hi.yes I am definitely doing a combination of things which is helping my back issues.I had 2 bulging discs MRI diagnosed about 10 weeks ago.and now I can finally work some back routines in.Just lying on my stomach was the start!.I like your flow man…..combinations in this video…..Ido…budokon…..capo….freestyle….its awesome.balanced, makes sense to me and more importantly,Its working!.Thankyou,I appreciate your videos and flow……
12 min foundation training and just general hatha and ashtanga yoga helped me nearly get rid of almost all my back pain. The moment I got lazy with these, started having my back pain again. On hindsight I realise a lot of foundation training and even the stuff you do is very similar to what we do in yoga so the principles have all been the same, we’re all just coming to them from different places.
Once again a wonderful video.
I started facing pain in my Tail Bone after cycling, which I started after some gap. It will be gr8 if u can tell some streching for Tail Bone Pain.
beautiful 😍
I love Josh's feet
Even watching took my back pain away 😂
Thanks Maestro
Got anything good for sciatica??
Oh my god this rolling movement is amazing
You're a genius. I'd really love an opportunity to workout, hike, and do some good mushroom hunting with you someday.
Do you have a holistic program ? I can’t seem to find a program that will help me have both a functional and aesthetic body unless without having to put 12 hours of working out a week lol
Do you by any chance have all your exercises for full body “On DVD 📀
I only have a small phone and not able to really keep up due to tiny screen
Another great video. The key reason I follow your site is that you continuously promote natural, back to basics movement, coupled with the attitude for healthy mind. No sweaty steroid pumped muscles here, just natural movements! I’m 68 years old, quite healthy and fit, and I attribute big part of it to your routines!
These were always the most satisfying ways of moving, but since school I've always felt pressured into sitting still at bloody tables, computers etc. The only natural movement I was able to do was taking a shit squatting instead of sitting on the toilet like an idiot.
this is good stuff, man!
for back pain, the hip hinge exercises and decompression breathing in Eric Goodman's Foundation Training system is priceless. He recently uploaded here on youtube a new version of the decade-old 12 minute standing working that has been my go-to exercise for a break from sitting at the computer in the office.
I totally agree with all of this. But when I do stuff like this at my local park people look at me strange. Sad this type of movement isn't done by more adults.
Hey, bro. Another good video (I'm quite new to your channel).
You said something about toddlers moving around. It reminded me: I did hot yoga for a few months. At some point a realisation hit me. Yoga eventually makes us able to do movements and poses that we all could do as healthy little children, but which we over time lost the ability to do.
looks funny but sounds/feel real af
My back, neck, shoulders and hips are completely fucked and hurt so much. Recently went away for 2 weeks and was in agony from halfway through the flight. It’s so incredibly depressing. I’m 35 yo and battered both mentally and physically.
Swimming! Changing between breast, crawl and backward swim. Cured my scacia nerve squeeze, which was so painful and made me feel miserable since I could not even walk for 200 meters, without stopping. It was not a spinal/disc issue but the squeeze and resulting inflamation was caused by tiny but totally frozen back muscles due to mental stress. So unnesseciary.
Excellent! Just tried these, and feel more embodied and stronger, with better standing and sitting posture as well. Thank you!
“The body needs to be connected to be pain free.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Great exercise suggestions for back pain relief! Up until recently, I experienced dull upper and lower back pain that led to knee injury while running. I realized my core was weak. I started doing elbow planks with proper form for about 60 secs on a daily basis. Lo and behold my back pain completely disappeared after 1 week. It’s been close to three months now and I continue to do elbow planks everyday. My running form, my standing posture and my energy levels have improved significantly. The cherry on top of this cake is my injured knee healed completely. I think I’ll incorporate some of your suggested exercises to my workout routine. Thanks!
I’m a tai chi student about 4 years now and was diagnosed with arthritis in my neck, back and hips, found your channel recently and subscribed, hoping these new movements help this old man
Interesting, i can feel the truth in it. I get up this morning with a deep shoulder pain, as a maseur 😵💫😩 ytube what is recommending me? Your video 🫣 what a nice sincronicity! I will try.
Does it hurt your hands and feet when doing the crawling movements on cement? Or since you are grounding you prefer the contact?
This is amazing as always! I actually sleep like this on my left side and I don't know why. 😕 sometimes causes back pain but doing the movement just now on both sides cracked my back and made me pain free!!