AOC And Democrats COPE AND PANIC Over THOUSANDS Trump Supporters Showing Up To Bronx Rally!

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50 thoughts on “AOC And Democrats COPE AND PANIC Over THOUSANDS Trump Supporters Showing Up To Bronx Rally!

  1. President Trump genuinely cares about America. Lunatics like AOC and the MSM really do find that so hard to believe. Putting America first is a concept they will never understand. It's so funny and satisfying to see MSM and AOC seethe! I love it! FJB! TRUMP 2024 ❤🤍💙

  2. I don't understand how democrats can vote against our own interests
    Our interest first lies in protecting America first
    If this means America first and not illegals then I'm all for it
    America first illegals second its how we can create the America people want to come to
    Our border is a reflection of that ideal where people want to come
    But you forget American first illegals second
    And for the economy
    Why is the Democrat trying to hike up prices when it should be used as a means to create prosperity for those that live within it

  3. Four years ago, liberals made fun of Trump saying that he only went to safe states like those in the south and midwest. Now he goes to places like the Bronx and they complain that he is there.

  4. I an still wondering what she was talking about. If she says he is broke then how can he afford to bus people in? How on this green earth did she get in office and stay? Why oh why, do they keep voting for her.

  5. I am surprised that AOC did not jump off that stage and start twerking. It looked like she was doing everything she could to resist…

  6. The only places Biden can get ANY numbers at his speeches, are places where people pretty much have to be there, i.e. graduations. They've worked 4 years to get a degree and want to walk across that stage to get their degree. In order to do that, they have to sit through his BS speech.

  7. Libs are all for your freedom except the moment you don't follow their ideologies and they'll try to take that same freedom away from you. 😂

  8. An informed public will know that the Democrats alone for these past 4 years has pigeonhold Us with wars, borrowing, overspending, egregeious tariffs on imports and sanctions. Tariffs turns into inflation in teh end. Who do you think that will hurt? Countries are turing their back on the USD and thereby losing buying power, political influence, etc. Even Belgium along with China have dumped billions in Treasury bonds just recently. Trump was right! I did not see his pov till seeing Biden in action. Crime went up, the economy went to shit, inflation wrecking havoc and I've watched Democrats go against my rights to protect myself and family [2A]. I won't even get into these wars; that is a different discussion.

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