All HIDDEN DETAILS You MISSED in Rockstar’s NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE Reveal (RDR2 Blood Money)

All HIDDEN DETAILS You MISSED in Rockstar’s NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE Reveal (RDR2 Blood Money) SUBSCRIBE and …


22 thoughts on “All HIDDEN DETAILS You MISSED in Rockstar’s NEW Red Dead Online UPDATE Reveal (RDR2 Blood Money)

  1. EDIT: Seems like a lot of these cosmetics characters are wearing are already in the game. I bring up this point a little later in the video but does this mean Rockstar was being careful to hide any new unlocks or is there just not a lot of cosmetic stuff to buy and this update is basically just new missions/activities and that’s it?
    Here’s all hidden details you may have missed from the Blood Money reveal! Is there anything cool you noticed? Thanks for watching!

  2. I bought Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats from the Veterancheats website. Google Veterancheats and you will be able to buy and cheat in Warzone easily. This is working 100% and the website is also very well designed!! The staff also does very good support if you have issues regarding the cheat injection!

  3. Yo Hazard! WUT IS UP HOMIE? Ok look, I was TERRIBLE AT WATCHIN VIDEOS AND NOT LIKEING THEM, but how I was not suscribed IDK, TRUELLY DONT! I should've been subscribed for a year or so, A THOUSAND APOLOGIES!!!! U ROCK AND ARE SO INFORMATIVE! KEEP ON KEEPIN ON! btw that's not a new vest or buckle, 💯💙💯✌

  4. Really hoping this drops and gives us something new to buy.
    Something major to spend money on or at least does give us new guns or equipment.

    Got 12k burning a hole im pocket and im not seeing any thing cosmetic wise worth getting.
    Just 2 days till we find out.

  5. That blanket and saddle/saddlebag on the marble horse is the Upland saddle. Not new unfortunately.

    I've been waiting for some new, more stylish saddles. It'd be cool if they'd let us customize the color or something of our saddles if they're not going to release more saddles. I'd like to make my own, more suited to my character and my outfits. Lol Don't @ me. I've had a lot of free time with this game. 😆

  6. My moonshine shack is in Lemoyne. When I go from downstairs to upstairs I often hear what sounds like monkeys along with the other Lemoyne animal sounds. I also have been seeing a lot of pictures of Guarma during the loading screen. Probably means nothing

  7. So the other day I was invited to someone’s moonshine shack. As naive as I am I went. Then all of a sudden the shack was no longer available and the three of them were hunting me. As much as I hate players like that I have to give it to them. That was pretty ingenious.

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