Aerosmith – Blind Man

REMASTERED IN HD! Official Music Video for Blind Man performed by Aerosmith. Listen to more from Aerosmith: …


35 thoughts on “Aerosmith – Blind Man

  1. Hard to believe this rock and roll classic celebrates its 30th year anniversary this month. Aerosmith will always live on. BTW, any video with Pamela Anderson will always be revered!

  2. my parents took me to the concert that was filmed in the back ground for this video. It was at one of the stadiums in Houston but it wasn't the Astrodome. I think I was like 10 or 11. As you went in they gave every one the black sun glasses and white sticks to wave. They told every one when the light started to shine on the crowd to stand up shake the sticks to the beat and sing along. It was so fun I still remember it to this day. It was just before the Aerosmith arcade shooter was release. They had a prototype there to play for free. so this song will always be special to me because some where in that crowd me and my parents are there singing and watching the video get filmed.

  3. Wish they had done a whole album in this alternative rock style on the 2 new songs for Big Ones in 1994-95. Same way permanent vacation and pump had the hair metal vibe, they were reinventing their sound again here.

  4. May The LORD GOD have mercy on Perry, Tyler and the whole band 🙏
    The time is really short…
    With Elon Musk next president after Trump you will finally receive the "mark"…
    I'm very glad to tell you that The whole Bible was and will become FULFILLED !!!

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