‘A Propaganda Tool For Israel!’ Piers Morgan’s Eurovision Debate
While it’s supposed to be a unifying celebration of music, the Eurovision Song Contest practically never manages to stay apolitical; …
While it’s supposed to be a unifying celebration of music, the Eurovision Song Contest practically never manages to stay apolitical; …
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piers feeling sorry for that young singer and not sorry for those kids who died and did nothing wrong, this guy man…
Icl politics shouldnt be involved in events like this, eurovision is for fun and to support your country not to argue and be mad against a person performing because of something their country has done. I think that events like eurovision is good as watching these would take peoples minds off the horrible wars and giving people a bit of hope as they see countries working together to make events like this stay on instead of fighting.
piers is really shocked by the guy saying palestine have the right to resist while trying to justify iraq war is crazy
Piers * do u condemn oct 7th?*
Is Israel in Europe geographical speaking just asking for a friend .
Bambi thug is an embarrassment to Ireland..
The West Bank. Judea and Sumaria, you mean? You eant Jews kicked out of Judea? Please, consider the name of the area.
Also, didn't Hamas start war of aggression against Israel?
In fact, Israel has only ever fought in defense against Arabic aggressors.
I am Israeli and grew up in a settlement.
The first time when I worked with Arabs, at the age of 20, I was scared. I was really scared because Arabs to me were murderers. All of them.
To my surprise, I discovered that some of them are nice, and even told me, some of them, that they want peace.
And I changed a little as a result.
I thought maybe I wasn't raised right.
After the 7th of October, I understand that my parents were right.
In the end, even if the Arab in front of me is a doctor, or a guide-
At the moment of truth, he will be able to rejoice over the murder of Jewish babies.
My friends and I have never been happy and will never be happy about the murder of any Arab baby, ever. Even if he is Sinwar's son, and they are.
Hey Piers it hasn't been started on Oct 7th 2024 . Tomorrow is another anniversary of June 5, 1967, when “Israel” launched an attack against Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The six-day war has brought Israel to take East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. Google it and see all those pictures . This is the only way of educating you about the thing that you always force your guests to condemn Hamas, because you will see where is Today's Hamas coming from . . .
The Jewish girl is European…and she proudly stated she will serve in the IOF after Eurovision
Michael Walker was outstanding here. He outwitted Piers at his own ridiculous game. Piers seemed to realise that he'd invited a guest who is vastly more intelligent and aware of the facts, because he decided to dovetail from the impasse into a personal rant about Eurovision that was completely off topic. He derailed his own show because he couldn't argue with the logic of his guest.
So what about the Abuse of Israeli TV about Bambie Thug. saying what Piers you didn't say a thing.
I'm surprised no one brought up how abhorrently the Israeli delegation acted towards the contestants. Apparently, they were total bullies.
Also, Piers should've done more research about the Finnish entry. The guy was not naked. Other countries were more naked – Spain had shirtless men with essentially the same thongs and do not even get me started on Slovenia. The double standard is ridiculous.
for god sake.. the reason the war is so long is because HAMAS is Using Civilians as HUMAN SHILD!! or even to actually MAKE IDF shoot at them & make civilian casualties!!! on purpose!
Israel ❤
Our young people have been brainwashed by academia , the far left realised the best way to change the world to their idea was to infect the minds of the young , now we have woke scientists who have come through this mind mangle saying a load of crap as truth and henerations of people who hate the west and would prefer to be run by Hamas
That's gotta be one of the worst debates.
how a bad thing as hamas is created ?
did the hamas people were drinking coffee with their wives and palying with their children , and they got bored of this lifestyle and they thought to go and kil people?
i think its so clearly what it is, that all the rest of you that agree with piers, sounds really stuipid to me
but i agree about eurovision, how weird it is all these that happening
2:21 actually, croatia got the most public votes
He is spot on
Hypocrite abonitation cant even be coherent with his narrative. Such an ignorant, narcisistic piece of garbage, like everybody who pushing that free palestine bullsh.
It’s funny to hear these homosexuals support Muslim jihad. First of all there is no such thing as Palestine, the Jewish people were there first thousands of years ago and are indigenous to the land. In fact, Jordan has more Palestinians than Israel does. I believe it’s about 70% Palestinian and the Jordanians don’t want any more of them in their country. I wish these queers would learn their history and not talking points.
The jung man ist lost, no Arguments Like all Otters Supportes of Palästina.
Funny to me seeing British people who can't even speak English properly and express their opinions.
That's how it is when you actually have no factual basis when you speak, you just repeat something you saw on Tik Tok.
Well done, young Brits.
Turkey has been illegally occupying the north part of Cyprus from 1974. Why are they allowed in Eurovision? 19:27
A potted plant has more wisdom and insight than James Barr will ever have.
At 41 I'm glad that I never had any children. This world has completely gone to shit. The only sad part is that I've got to watch the world destroy itself, and there's nothing that can be done because humanity is absolutely brainless.
Pride, selfishness, hate, greed, and ignorance are just some of the things people embrace nowadays.
Zero accountability.
Zero solutions.
Zero progress.
Zero is the future.
My god all leftis look the same….
Can Michael identify the West Bank and Gaza on a map?
There are no “queer rights” in Palestine
These guys are such tools
At this point yes every country involved in war and or terrible things shouldn’t be broadcasted as something positive that includes the UK, the USA and many other places. They make these tv shows to distract us from what’s really happening in the world it’s just sad that people can’t be fully honest in what they believe and say that it’s wrong what’s happening.
The hypocrisy is crazy for these young people who fight so hard for Palestine…..when they are educated with facts, they dont know what to say. Embarrassing…and cringy.
Israel should not be competing for eurovision because they're NOT a european country.