A Blithering Idiot PSA Re: Officer Safety ft. @DeleteLawz1984 (Viewer Discretion Advised)
#deletelawz #sovcit #police
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#deletelawz #sovcit #police
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Chillie is really dangerous
He 1:17 can't understand cause hes a😢 idiot 😂
Chillie deseves to spend some extended time locked up but I doubt he'd learn anything from it.
I think you missed the word "Protection" in the opening card Mom.
You really put on a brave face mr. When no one is around. As soon as real-life policeman come over you screaming like an old lady. It really must be very tough to live like you. You have to remember one Lie To The Next One County to the next one and it must be really hard to keep track of those lies
He is a danger to society
Chili says he's not afraid of no man did you happen to see his face when he got arrested in Las Vegas pure fear also he said I'll fight any man then why did you back down from Chad grue and Irish demon demon even offered to fly you out to Ireland to fight him and he backed out so all I have to say for chili is get yourself a heavy duty maxi pad and shut the hell up I know 15 year old girls that are tougher than he is and more of a man if they chose to be🤠
If he's so afraid of cops my suggestion would be…STOP BREAKING THE LAW DIP$HIT!!!
My #1. fear is you…. driving and live streaming, screaming obscenities, having a gun. Go live somewhere else.
This from the brave moron who tried to get a protection order from a woman 😂
Chille is the alpha male in one thing. He’s the very first strange mix of sovereign citizen and Statist.
Not scared of people? Can fight just about anyone? That’s not what the evidence says.
His comments are pretty close to terroristic threats, which are not legal anywhere. I hope he is all bluster. If it comes to a tragic court case, this would be one of many videos worth archiving.
To answer his question, yea, though I drive through the boulevards of Chillie's twisted paranoia, I will fear no cops.
Please don't assume rational, law-abiding gun owners sound anything like this piece of trash.
Sadly, I think the logical connection here will escape this “scholar” 🙄🙄💐
He's such an asshole. I'm not afraid of the police. Someone should send this to Chili. I bet he wouldn't show it.
You know what Chillie would say about this The cops did wrong by chasing him Sad
I can't stand the slime mould oxygen thief Chilli.
Paused @2:35, when I drive down the street, I'm afraid of drunk/distracted drivers, not the police. Back to the video.
Edit, Hope the Police computer system give a warning that
👶🥕 may be armed.
Aaaand… those are sovcits, the same ideology Chillito is beginning to push.
My number one fear driving down the road (for myself and my adult kids) is encountering some livestreaming, pot-smoking asshole.
Well, don’t break the law and you won’t have to worry about those dastardly coppers will you Hero. 😂
Sorry, I just can't watch or listen to this man. 😔