A Biological Male Just Dominated A Girls Varsity 400m Race Once Again In Portland
A transgender high school runner (Aayden Gallagher), who identifies as a girl, dominated in the Portland Interscholastic League …
A transgender high school runner (Aayden Gallagher), who identifies as a girl, dominated in the Portland Interscholastic League …
Diddler was in the stands. filming his freak off sequel ✌️
This is why I keep saying men are way, way stronger and faster then women. We can not compete against them. It doesn't matter how much they suppress their testosterone levels.
U women got no one to blame but urself 😂😁
Yall think the race was bad imagine the dress room
When is this CIRCUS 🎪 FREEK SHOW going to END. You would have to be stupid to endorse these actions. WAKE up buttercup.
America is making mockery of itself. Now biological boys think it's ok to run with girls
This is ridiculous, a born male competing against women because he can't compete with his own gender.
Women do like to be beat by men
This is bullshit.
How devastating for the girls…especially if you came in second but should have won the state championship!
"It's too easy. There is no competition."
Aaaand…that's why they do it.
Dude was jogging lol
This will happen every time they allow dudes to race against dudettes!🤣🤣 God bless!!😊
Aayden is a coward. Running like a very average man therefore competing with women instead. HE should be disqualified.
This is hilarious
have a tranny category. since no one would be running against shim, it can run against the clock.
And who is mentally unhealthy enough to greet him for beeing so lame, that he can't compete with men?
Women fought for rights they need their own lane .. have trans sports or just stop
I'm highly against this. Why? Not a real female biologically
Absolutely disgusting, girls don't race.
To all women who are ok with this, SHAME ON YOU!! Poor real women out here can’t catch a break. Shame shame
Women don't care they have no pride in womanhood sad
?????? He sad because he couldn’t win anything else for daddy‘s approval
For the people who defend this crap and say the girls should just train harder you’re sick in the head. They train hard to compete against girls
Not men.
That just SICKENS me!
To Bad its NOT a JOKE !!! Oh Wait ………YES it is !!!
When I was growing up, the saying was "boys will be boys, " …..guess now a days it's boys will pretend to be girls 💔
He should be embarrassed
Pffft! C' Mon, girls?? Hmm, yeah right.
Clown 🤡 planet 🌍
It breaks my heart that these girls work their entire school years to build on a dream and then have a man come in and steal it because he says he’s a girl
All these guys who want to compete against girls should be ashamed of themselves.
This is an insane sickness, and it needs to be stopped, We The People, shouldn't have to stand by idle, allowing infringements, and a total socitel breakdown of all things good.
Wow, I’m totally shocked a dude verbally states he’s a girl then is allowed to compete in women’s sports won… Who’d a thunk! Y’all realize this is satanic. Jesus is coming soon ✝️ just look at the world around you!
Absolutely disgusting
Anyone see that movie “Ballers”? Would love to see it somehow
Gotta give the people what they want! Lmao
Discrimination to all women. The disabled have their own sporting events, so why can’t the trans, unidentified bio’s or whoever they think they are, have their own sports sector?
I thought that last scream was going to be, ‘Come on girls catch up!’ Lol
Another win for the patriarchy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What you allow is what will continue…
😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂🤣😅😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂😅those girls Deserve that ! 🤣😂😂🤣😅😂
They allowed it to ha0en , and the WOKE COACH , WOKE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION & THE SICK WOKE PARENTS ALLOWING THAT …. 🤣😂😅😂🤣😅 You got what you all wanted 😂🤣😅😂🤣😂
Stop competing with them n it will stop ! Coaches are spineless ! To let this happen!
How can anyone with half a brain support this