These MythBusters Stories Got Scrapped Due to Danger

Were there ever stories that got scrapped for reasons outside the MythBusters’ control? Did budget constraints or logistical …


25 thoughts on “These MythBusters Stories Got Scrapped Due to Danger

  1. Re the swimming, something I say all the time is beware of lab conditions as they don't hold up in the real world.
    I wonder if a paddle boat would have given a more controlled result or some other analog for a swimmer.

  2. For those wondering what they made that was so bad they had to delete all the footage, it's TATP. It what terrorists use to make homemade bombs. All you have to do is combine two things that you can buy by the litre for under $5.00 in any supermarket. So yes, Mythbusting whether or not one can make homemade bomb isn't exactly ideal. Moreover, as it's not very stable you're likely to blow your fingers off when making it.

  3. As someone who is less than an amateur at such things, I can't help but speculate about that explosive.
    Whether it was something absurdly common, like might be found at any supermarket, or something a little harder to come by, like might be found at a farming goods store.

  4. "A trough filled with 58 degree liquid, that's three and a half feet deep, filled with syrup" sounds like a physics joke. Finally, the opposite of the spherical chicken in a vacuum! The least ideal situation! Lol.

  5. Cant believe they had to cut jokes and content, instead of the 6 of 7 in-episode recaps of whats gonna happen, i mean you can cut all those excess garbage and keep an easy 15-20 min episode

  6. Fun fact, the process of creating IEDs and explosives is publically available knowledge. Wanna know how to make a fertilizer bomb? You can look it up! Reading about it isn't illegal, but gathering materials and storing x amount of certain items can cause legal problems (even holding a certain amount of black powder is VERY illegal). The moment you assemble it, you're basically a felon even if you dont set it off. But! The knowledege is readily available, it is a fascinating science thats very well studied (big fire boom make human brain happy).

  7. Don't know if you'll ever read this, but I believe an open water Olympic athlete would have given you a better result as well. They swim in different open water that it is usually very cold so their adaptability would definitely be higher.

  8. Greetings Adam, 👋 I think it would be interesting to look at the speed at which Natural threats such as Piranhas, Alligators, or Sharks etc. swim to show the least probability of outswimming in a short distance such as in the water to a boat, or water to shore. Did Myth Busters ever do anything along these lines? Warm regards, Lee

  9. 0:47 and that's the reason why I cut cable like 10 years ago and will never go back. 20 minutes of commercials for a 40-minute show is just insane. All that after paying $90/month+ for the "ability" to watch TV. GTFOH with that

  10. Let me guess, it was a variation on a certain napalm recipe featured in a film about a particular club in which there are multiple rules regarding a member not referring to their membership in conversation?

  11. Silencers are MOST definitely a benefit. They are NOT movie quiet, they do NOT miraculously just turn the average firearm into a staple gun. They do NOT make any weapon an assassin’s weapon.

    They do however reduce over pressure events(crew served weapons/indoor use), reduce sound down to a level that helps people preserve hearing, reduce noise pollution.

    Are there niche calibers and systems out there that produce movie quiet signatures? Yes, however that’s not the vast majority.

    You could’ve myth busted a lot of common misconceptions about suppressors. 🤷‍♂️

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