U.S. Inflation Rises To 9.1% In June, Highest Peak Since 1981

The U.S. is facing the highest inflation in 41 years. Inflation ballooned to 9.1 percent over the same month last year. The Federal …


44 thoughts on “U.S. Inflation Rises To 9.1% In June, Highest Peak Since 1981

  1. All the presidents ain't no different!!! They ALL contributed to the downfall of this country. How stupid to depend on man when THEY ONLY CONCERN ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!!!!!! U SEE HOW THOSE PRESIDENTS CONTRIBUTED TO MAKING THE POOR POORER, SUCKY HEALTHCARE, LOW WAGES, OHHHH YEH TRUST THE WHITE COLLAR CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!

  2. Funny, here I am watching a rerun of THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JOHNNY CARSON from 1982. And hearing him joke about the economy in his opening monologue made my head spin! Republican Reagan, Democrat Biden, didn't really matter who was in office. A screwed up economy knows no sacred administration. It hits everyone at any given time!

  3. The thing is also things can’t go back to the way they used to be they need to become 1000x better because of the irepairable damage already caused these last couple years
    Things can’t never go back they got to be a lot better

  4. I'm remember tht One American say my country is third world class country.🤡 Now USA is fighting against inflation.gas, electric another bill's . Wtf wherever he live now.he must be mad right now.😂

  5. I hope this set some reality to those that think Reagan had a good economy, three crashes and three recessions during his presidency and only Bill Clinton lost more jobs to free trade. Largely because they had the same economic ideology.

  6. The rich will buy up all the assets and property at bargain price
    Then when they've had their fill at the pig trough
    it will all go back to normal, except for the lower and middle class

  7. We are exactly the same here in the UK: highest inflation since 1981 and we are also at around 9% and higher inflation predicted. It's a global problem just now, with the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia helping push up the oil price. We are facing a four fold increase in energy bills in a year, meaning this winter will be brutal for millions of families.

  8. Gas prices have risen all over the world not just in America.

    Go protest outside the homes of US Oil company CEOs until they lower gas prices.

    Ask Giuliani to provide the personal address of the ExxonMobil CEO and his family members and then advertise it to all on social media.

  9. How am I supposed to feed my family, drive to work, pay utilities and save anything? I was doing OK two years ago and now we’re struggling to survive.

  10. Thanks Trump, for all this is for all the idiots when Trump said there'll be more businesses more jobs, lol, boy you really meant we're going to spend more money to get those people that rich more richer

  11. I understand I'm 66 but I suggest everybody start learning how to deal with the heat and use a fan for I don't even use a fan and I believe at some point it will come down to that and if you're not ready to adjust to it it will be even worse

  12. Since 2008, the Fed has just artificially suppressed interest rates to 0% and printed trillions upon trillions of dollars in QE to Infinity FOR 14 YEARS!!! They have created Super Bubbles in Housing and Stocks! Now that the Fed is pressured to raise interest rates ABOVE 0%, the economy will collapse! Of coarse, the Fed will drop interest rates back to 0% and print trillions upon trillions MORE in QE to Infinity for another 20 years!!😂 This would be laughable if it wasn't so sad for America and the world!
    1 End the Fed and all Central Banks!
    2 Return to a Sound Money Silver and Gold Standard like the Founding Fathers intended!
    3 Return to Free Market Capitalism with NO Crony Capitalist bailouts and Fed Put!

  13. When you choose a President, you look for someone who's gonna put money in your pockets, not a best friend. You're never gonna meet the guy anyway. Results matter. Trump 1.4 inflation, outstanding. Biden 9.1 inflation, belongs in the OUTHOUSE

  14. I think maybe they are elected leaders need to care for American citizens first or we can I'd rather see my tax dollars here in my community in my country instead of going to r anywhere else it just makes sense to you know give away American dollars to an American people there are so many American people and hardships and this is socially engineered this is on purpose to stop people from prosperity by our own Representatives I want to puke they're getting us to fight with that person doesn't deserve it but that person does that person is green or orange or blue or black or white oh oh boy

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