Who Exactly is an “Asian?”

Who exactly is an “Asian?” This seems pretty straight-forward, but definitions vary considerably depending on where you, …


40 thoughts on “Who Exactly is an “Asian?”

  1. I am sure i belong to the eastern eurasian male stock and i agree with this classification.

    However I many times feel much more close to northern eurasians including turks than southern eurasians and farthest from sub-saharan africans and afro-asiatic or sizeable part of semitic stock of people.

    So when I try to categorise myself exclusively as eastern eurasian i feel a big chunk of northern eurasian, the so called red indians and large section of population of europe and even northern america is being left out from that circle,offcourse geographically they do not belong to east eurasian stock but i think historically there has been deeper connection than with many southern eurasians

  2. Learning about asian as asian on this channel make me ponder upon massive diversity we all have as a group as people heck we have different languages, culture, beliefs despite having distant relation can we consider as "same" people. Then i remember the most defining trait of every single asian ever. RICE If you grow up with rice and cannot live without rice you're definitely asian for sure. Actually it much simpler than that lol, since rice always been staple food for most of the people in Asia.

  3. All country in Asia map is asia but In media they say "we travel to middle each country" , "try middle east food" they don't say "asian" but when they talk about south east, east asian they would say "asian"

  4. Arab and Persian are not Asian or part of Asia. They are there own distinct ethnic group. There is no one in the Middle East who identify as Asian. They all identify as Muslim first, everything else is secondary.

  5. One of the WORST uneducated CHANNELS I have EVER SEEN. Iranic peoples are not a monolithic group with a single set of DNA, but a combination of many different makeups from thousands of years living in the Caucuses, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. These include the Iranic groups like the Scythians, Saka, Sogdians, Sarmatians, Parthians, Persians, etc!
    To claim Afghans are unrelated to Iranians is a COMPLETE and UTTER worthless opinion. Afghans are as much an Iranic people as many Iranians.
    Regarding your comment about Azari people sometimes being referred to as Iranian is EXTREMELY dumb. Azari people have been apart of Iran for 2500 years since Zoroastrian times, if they are not considered Iranian then nobody is.
    – SIGNED Green eyed Lur from Iran who gets mistaken for Afghan or Tajik all the time

  6. In the UK 🇬🇧 when people say Asian they usually mean Indian and Pakistani instead of Chinese, Japanese and Korean which would baffle people from many countries including the US 🇺🇸. But I still think of the American definition of “asian” when I hear the word even though I’m British and I live in the UK.

  7. haha Everyone thinks We're Indians but we're Bangalis we do have similiar face maybe but our culture and everything is diff
    we wear clothes like Burmese people

  8. Even though they have basically no connection with East Asians, they will sees themselves as a proud yellow for their East Asian supremacy and they will mix with East Asians so China will take over the world

  9. As just the indo Europeans Central Asians were conquered by the Mongols and Turks, the Altaic north Asians were conquered by the slave”

    In other words, what comes around goes around

  10. Those who says Middle Eastern, South asians are not Asians are those who says AFGHANS and PAKISTANIS are MIDDLE EASTERNS and IRAN and AFGHANISTAN are ARAB countries..

  11. Wtf 😩 , now west wanna break Asia now, just look at India broke into 2 , and made us enemies for life now you wanna break Asia,so we fight each other so that ypu can benefit from our misery & not to mention useless lectures on peace .

  12. Ironically, continents are named by Greek convention. "Asia" as a concept is so European. From a human stand point, it would be so easy to move from Africa to Europe and Asia. The land there is continuous. These identities are really political, very.

  13. In china, anything that is on the left of china is not considered “real” asian, anything that is below to the right and to the right of Asia is “real” asian

  14. Asia is literally countries in the continent, and if u think asia consists of just japan, korea or china and all of countries more to the east side, then u and ur dumba$$ uneducated brain can fvck off 🙂

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