Ashwagandha – Why Every Man Over 40 Should Take It!
Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is an ancient medicinal herb that’s been used for centuries and is deeply rooted in …
Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is an ancient medicinal herb that’s been used for centuries and is deeply rooted in …
Ashwagandha capsules of planet Ayurveda are made up of root extract of the natural herb Ashwagandha which helps in pain and inflammatory conditions. I recommend it to all for better health.
I have better sleep and sharp memory with Ashwagandha. I don't like boosted libido. I prefer to spend my energy on more important things in life.
I take this after the gym to help me sleep at night, about 3-4 times a week
I am indian,In India🇮🇳🇮🇳 it is used to increase sex power, and it is available everywhere but the best is considered to be Asawghanda of Nagaur district ,It should be used for three months and then leave it for a few days or use it again, most Popular company is Ashwagandha powder of Himalaya company which should be used with milk ,2.5gram one time morning and evening 2.5gram evening ,Hope this helps you, if you have any questions please comment 🙏🙏🙏
Im 50 and it has helped me in so many ways. Doctor told me i had PTSD after the passing of my wife and wanted to put me on anti depressants drugs. I started ashwagandha instead and after about 2 weeks my episodes stopped and i desded to start working out and running daily. Kinda changed my life for my children.
I tried it for months. In high dosage and active ingridient content. It made absolutely no difference.
Most of these supplements are pure placebo at best.
What sounds too good in most cases it's not so good. If i lisen ewry thing, i will eat only pills. I try Ashwaganda, and that plant really num my mind. So i dont use that. But this industry is multi billion dolar big. So bee smart and yust feel your body. Too me Mg,Zn,Vit.C is enuff. Also vit C is from the plant 🙂
You have to remember to be careful which ashwagandha supplement to take. The lower quality ones have dangerous metals and impurities in them. Get one that has been tested for purity and by a third party if you can find it
64 yrs young been taking for a year have the energy of a 20 yr old
50 y.o. here, been taking 1000mg daily for years & years now, It delivers on all the promises for sure.
Haha your Alpha dude going for a sperm test 😆.
I have ordered mine from a company advertised on Facebook. And they sell it on Amazon as well
Am turning 47 this month, but have been consistently exercising since I was 17. Since I hit 40 i realised that I needed to change my approach to training as I could no longer train the same way was I did in my 20s. While the new approach to training has worked a treat (am able to maintain and grow my muscle mass while keeping my bodyfat percentage around 20%) must confess in the past year I haven't been feeling the same energised way as I had in the past. A friend who is a former bodybuilder suggested HRT, but that is not something I was interested in. This video (like all your others) gave me some previously unknown knowledge and I think I'll give ashwagandha a try.
Dixie Cup pants guys with a fake beard is cracking me up 😂
I'l noticed they didn't compare it to shilajet. I just started taking it but I'm also taking ashwaganda anyway for other benefits. I didn't feel any noticable boosts in T levels from ashwaganda but that could be due to my already high levels. So I'm giving shilajet a try. I have used Maca as well as Horny Goat Weed and Long Jack which all worked to help get past fatigue and plateaus but I'd say long jack worked the best.
Which would be a good brand?
It cannot be used if you on psych. Meds. Ssri. Anti psychotic and benzos.
I’m in my 40s, been taking Ashwaghanda for nearly a year now and…
*I remember my dreams more clearly now.
*I bust a nut harder than ever before.
*I can do more reps than before
Excellent information ℹ️
Tried it, didn't feel jack. Used Webber, from costco.