When Rugby Players Become Aggressive
This is what an aggressive rugby player looks like! These are some of the scariest humans on the face of the earth. CHECK OUT …
This is what an aggressive rugby player looks like! These are some of the scariest humans on the face of the earth. CHECK OUT …
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Aca en LA Argentina Los jugadores de Rugby son tan violentos que entre 10 mataron a un joven a patadas. No es un deporte
My middle school PE teacher used to always say Rugby was a gentlemen sport and there were no fights and nasty attitudes as in other sports 😂😂😂
Why the fuck was he lying ?
If you have watched one of this channels videos. You have watched all of them.
Hmmmmmm interesting stats here . .
A large video on rugby punches please ❤ love from Pakistan
Любой боксер выключит любого из этих громил за пару ударов 😂
3:38 loved that from that SA player
"When" they become aggressive? 😂
What like at the start of the match? 😂
Seems like anytime something entertaining happens in this game there is a red card
Bande de clowns le rugby des années 1980 c était de vrai bagarre générale et surtout ont ne frappaient les joueurs au sol
Not one functioning brain cell amongst the whole lot of them
4:56 What is name 4 number
Very gay
No helmets or pads my god
SALUTE from Philadelphia
NFL players wouldn't last 5 minutes 😂
5:50 is one of the worst tackles I have ever seen.
I almost wonder if he should have been banned from playing for that. He could have made him a quadriplegic. That was no accident.
Don't see how this game exists with all the cheap shots and bullshit, like a bunch of man Karen's.
Faltó el topetazo de Leguizamon a chabal
Its like watching football players that always wanted to throw punches but couldn't until now because of the helmets
Pretty stupid game. Bunch of psychopaths pretending to be athletes.
Don't understand anything about the game but seems better than American football
There ain't no fight like a Rugby fight 👊
If they wanna throw fists, they should join the MMA
that headlock was so unnecessary
and all that they had to do was legalize cannabis…but they didn't
Damn 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
All of the Tuilagis should have been handed life time bans from rugby
2025 here
Ouch! I ve never seen such as rude game! This sport likes UFC or fight without gloves! It is a fight which you dont know who and when beat you
Tried to bite the guys ear off. These guys are fkn animals holy shit
Manly, but respectful!
dommage qu'il y ait tant d'abrutis , mais cela est un super sport quand il est pratiqué avec respect
Mohammed Hauos red card was absolutely stupid and may be cost France a grand slam chance.
No Neymar fakery shite: proper men taking it and giving it.
What do you expect? In another time, these men would all be warriors on the field of battle. Sports simulates warfare. The domestication of man is false.
Triste de voir ça 😢😢😢😳😳😳😱😱😱😱
Cravates, cathédrales, bourres-pifs, et autres joyeusetés au menu 😮
With some of those hits (possibly life altering), I think the red card is not enough. Someone could have been paralyzed or die – it's suppose to be a game.
there should be a Black card for these dangerous tackles. Black card means you are GONE as a player, not a 3 game suspension, a BAN from coming near anything that has to do with rugby FOR LIFE.
0:45 jesus christ peter o'mahony fucking floored him
Of all people why would you try and pick a fight with Paul O'Connell??
Rules makers absolutely killing the game now. Refs all want to be stars and try to affect the game at any opportunity. Rugby is in a bad place
Мужской спорт. Тут не место Неймару и Рональду
1:30 guy with the waterbottle 😅
Wonderful stuff !!